- Glass Alchemy Question
- need help pulling boro cane
- Got any good Boro recipes?
- Boro and lenses
- What are your favourite boro mix recipes?
- Clear rods for implosion (?) pendants, how big?
- Re: Boro and kiln removal
- Being a slob catches up with me, Boro color help please!!
- boro question
- Which boro black?
- Etching boro?
- Ebrium Pink Boro - Bubbleglass?
- boro and glasses
- boro clear, what kind and where to get it
- Best Bead Release for Boro???
- Boro lentil bead question
- Welder's Clip Ons - Boro
- boro boro boo
- Saftey glasses and Boro
- Recommendation for blue boro
- Boro Tubing Pulling Points?
- Starting w/ Boro
- 5% rule: can it work with Boro and soft glass?
- Hey Boro peeps!
- Boro feedback... why do you use it or not use it???
- Anyone else new to Boro? What do you think so far?
- What to do with tiny boro tubing?
- Boro Question(s)
- Boro by the rod
- Boro Reference
- If you flame strike boro and like how it looks going into the kiln
- Anybody play with the new boro color from Olympic yet?
- Boro - Flame Striking vs. Kiln Striking (pros/cons?)
- Elvis Rocks My World (Boro!)
- Boro Help Needed!
- Glass Alchemy boro question.
- Boro Clear .... Have questions....
- Boro bead books for a beginner
- Boro question?
- Where can I find Elvis and Who makes it?
- First Boro Stuff Plus Question.
- Boro....
- Scoring tool for boro tubing?
- Getting encased colors to strike in Boro
- Best Boro White and Black. Opinions please!
- Boro Frit Questions
- Blue Luster in Boro - HELP!!!
- Need a source for boro clear in Texas.
- Another question about Boro glass?
- Northstar annealing recommendations
- Can I do boro with this oxycon?
- Is this normal for NS Extra Light Yellow? (Boro)
- Boro Question
- Boro Book
- Poll for New Boro Room
- annealing schedule for boro?
- Thank You Corri and Jason!
- Boro compatibility
- Color Combinations
- NS double amber purple How to get Purple?
- Pressure settings for my oxy and propane?
- A New Frit Source for Momka's Boro
- Best Release for Boro
- Fuming Questions
- How do you use your boro rods? Kiln Temp
- gldg gone? wtf!!
- Re-Kilning Light Blue Amber Purple?
- Finally getting some color
- What are some good base colors for amber purple frit?
- Any interest in a BoroBox???
- Boro Eyewear Poll.
- Playing with GA Triple Passion
- Introduction to Boro Beadmaking Class
- Momka's got a couple of new colors!!
- What do you do with your boro "failures"?
- Im gonna try it
- Questions on fuming with Gold
- changing from soft glass to boro - advice requested
- got my boro! please help!
- Boro Marbles
- I Got 'Da Pink!!
- Succession of blown beads
- Recent Stuff
- Double Amber Purple Question.
- Boro virgin just bough MOmkas need help!!
- HOT STUFF oh ya!!
- First Success With Boro
- blown beads questions
- Anybody else trying Remschneider's Recipies?
- Boro With A Cheetah And O2 Generator
- Please help
- concentrator/generator torch boro... et cet.
- Does anyone use integra10 & barracuda for boro?
- Boro Gallery
- Boro Trivia
- fine frit/powder
- boro sheet glass?
- Shipping charges for tubing...OMG!
- Cool link found - tube implosion
- Help! What glass is this????
- Elvis?
- Boro frit beads??
- Boro Annealing Schedule Questions
- GA Aquatic Carnival
- Is Northstar glass boro?
- Boro Beads?
- What's this color?
- Thread hog!
- Star White... worth another look.
- More silly questions...
- I am loving ZenBeads frits!!!
- Paula's Coral Passion!!!
- Zigzag Encasing Question
- gorgeous pastels....
- Lots of advice please!!!
- The possibilities of fuming...
- Need Advice for a good white, green, and yellow
- My very first mandrel beads.
- Is It Tomorrow Yet?????
- Ode to Boro...
- Green Amber Purple- overstruck?
- Boiling colors
- Need tips on working with Boro Dichroic
- dougie pink...... everything but pink??
- Desperate with a capital "D"
- Open House in Victoria BC
- Ninja Surprise?
- Inside out picture tutorial?
- Is this really NS yellow?
- Opaque GA Spring Luster
- Boro and Silver foil?
- GA Silver Strike 5 - what is it supposed to do?
- New Purple Thunder.
- boro eye protection
- Starting a New Boro Gallery
- What colours should I buy?
- Striking
- Save those bits!
- Gun Mounts...
- northstar starwhite powder
- So no news in the boro world?
- A silly question or two from a soft glass grrlie...
- A life or death matter!!
- boro and reichenbach: the facts.
- Eyewear for Boro and Soft Glass?
- New Boro Gallery Monday 6/5 - ???
- implosion question
- Annealing sched. for boro in a chili pepper?
- boro frit source?
- Palladium Leaf
- Humidity?
- Hep me, Hep me! BF wants to torch boro!
- Boro Gallery - Sunday 18 - Sunday 25
- Which Boro Colors do you dislike?
- new beader
- Red & Black?
- Glass compatability
- Boro Gallery: Week of June 26'06
- Boro bulk buy anyone?
- Bead trade anyone?
- Kiln Question from a beginner
- What I've made outta Brent's shorts...
- boro ratti implosion milli photo demo
- Boro clear frit - how do you use it?
- Peachy Pink Transparent? Help me please!
- Boro gallery 7/7/06 - 7/15/06
- Tubing Question
- Best way to anneal question.....
- distorted mandrel....
- Kiln strikng multi, dark multi???
- Clear Encasing
- oxygen usage
- First attempts at implosion pendants
- 2 oxycons - how loud are they ?
- Anybody tried running a Lynx off a 1 lb propane cannister?
- How to use Momka's multi-colored rods?
- predators prize
- mixing boro with other types of glass
- Momkas Exotic Citrus (Grapefruit)
- It's Here
- just pulled my boro out & need help please~!
- Glassblowing
- here's a tough one?
- Experiments with Colors
- Question about reduction that happened in the kiln
- Boro, Lynx, which Concentrator?
- What boro colours should I buy?
- Borobox, episode 2
- Make your own mini-lathe link
- Any glass in Bloomington, Illinois?
- Rod Test
- Newbie confusion....
- Boro Babe Clear Questions
- Boro milli 1$ a gram
- striking Momka glass
- ogsi og-15 what is your opinion?
- Ramp-Hold boro cooldown rate
- Where...........
- looking for a simple ramp and garage schedule
- I will show off something...
- Chance for FREE GLASS and publicity for yourself!
- Goldstone?
- Simax boro tubing
- I'm so excited
- Am I nuts?
- Just Plain Ol Beads....
- Boro gallery August 12-19
- Boro tutorials?
- Murrine Question
- Please...please help me - completely boro challenged
- Seconds - economical or trouble?
- batch annealing boro?
- couple of questions about special boro
- Amazon Bronze headache.....
- I have a new favorite color!
- Encasing Green - problems
- Apology
- Boro Whites???
- Rods?
- where to buy the latest boro colours?
- Aurora
- Flirting with the darkside
- Cutting Boro Tubing?
- Can you tell me WHY...
- Boro Powders. Had no clue till now..!!
- A quick question
- selling everything
- beeing a complete hog....and a little color reference
- Wishing Stones...
- Boro questions
- Looking for a pretty lime or light green
- How hot is too hot for boro
- ISO: Doug Remschneider's Boro Bead Magic
- for all who responded to "selling everything"
- "momkas Glass Testers - September 2006"
- NS-Cocoa?
- Cracking with GA Amazon Lagoon?
- cmon share your boro recipies for us newbies!!
- Possibly silly annealing schedule question...
- The newb
- boro clear
- Why do Implosions crack?
- Pirhana/NG/O2 and Boro?
- Boro-Box!!!!!!
- Boro sucks you in.....
- The advantages of Elvis
- my first implosions....interesting:D
- Who sells Simax by the pound?
- How the heck did I do this?