What is the current Lampwork, Etc. User Agreement? |
Lampwork, Etc. User Agreement
Registration to this forum is free! We at Lampwork, Etc. do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. In order to register, you must agree to the terms of this User Agreement. By registering, you declare that you are over the age of 13.,
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this site to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder.
All images and content posted by members remains the property of the owner, however, by posting information to this site, you explicitly grant Lampwork, Etc. indefinite permission to display said content to site visitors.
Lampwork Etc. does not claim ownership of Content you submit or make available for inclusion on the website. However, with respect to Content you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly-accessible areas of the Service, you grant Lampwork Etc. the following world-wide, royalty free and non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display such Content on, in connection with, or to advertise or promote, the Service, and/or related sites. Publicly-accessible areas of the Service would not include Lampwork Etc. services intended for private communication such as Private Messages, or areas off of the Lampwork Etc. network of properties such as portions of World Wide Web sites that are accessible through hypertext or other links but are not hosted or served by Lampwork Etc.
The owners of Lampwork, Etc. reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason. Due to the nature of a public forum, we have no control over, and cannot be held responsible for the content posted by our members. All messages express the views of the author, and the owners of Lampwork, Etc. will not be held responsible for the content of any message.
You agree to indemnify and hold Lampwork Etc. harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of Content you submit, post, transmit or make available through the Website, your use of Lampwork Etc., your connection to Lampwork Etc., your violation of the User Agreement, or your violation of any rights of another. In addition you agree not to assert any claims arising out or in connection with contact or use or operation of the service by any party against indemnified parties.
This site offers a private messaging facility which is intended to store messages to be viewed only by the sender or specified recipient. This site also offers the ability to send private messages in a live chat system. However, we cannot and do not make any guarantees or claims about the security or privacy of messages stored in or sent through this system. This system should not be used to store or send sensitive information. Lampwork, Etc. also reserves the right to reveal your identity and information we may have regarding you if it is deemed necessary at our sole discretion or as required by law. |
Who owns and operates Lampwork, Etc.? |
This forum is owned and operated by Corri Young of Mesa, AZ, USA.
On the forums, Corri goes by the username CorriDawn
Is Lampwork, Etc. a business? |
Lampwork, Etc. is a privately owned and operated business. |
What is the Infraction System and the Rules on LE? |
No donation, fundraising, or solicitation requests for money or votes even if it is not for you (except if approved first). If I deem it soliciting, it will be deleted. Please note that the AGLF and Beads of Courage are exempt from this.
No self promotion other than in self promotion area (this includes the look at my etsy shop and tell me what you think threads). Just because you are not asking people to buy things, asking them to look at your shop, proofread your shop, give you advice, and so forth are still self promotion and will be deleted.
No posting private messages. Deal with issues with individuals in private. This means emails or Private Messages. Solve your problems with people in private instead of creating drama. This also includes bringing drama over from Facebook or other sites.
Images in signatures may not be over 80 pixels tall. Repeat offenders will receive points for offenses.
Use common sense. Remember that there are people on the other side of the screen. Treat them with respect.
No politics except in the Woodshed. Even if you do not deem it political when you post it, if you know it is going to go in that direction, then do not pot it. Adding the phrase “please keep politics out of this” does not help, all that shows is that you knew in the first place that it was going to be an issue.
If a thread is deleted, do not start another thread about the deleted thread. This is rude to others people on the site as well as to the moderators.
No bumping posts in Garage Sale or Self Promotions.
Treat people with respect. No attacking people or trying to instigate them into a fight. I understand that this is subjective and I have a few moderators in place to help me with my decisions. You may not always agree with the decisions, but please respect them and realize that we have to make choices every day and try to interpret written words. We may not be perfect, but we try our best.
Respect the moderators and our decisions. If you have an issue with something we have decided, then take it up with us privately. We deal with most behavior issues in private, so you may not see consequences for actions, but often there are consequences that you are not seeing.
Infraction System:
You will receive points for different infractions. The infraction points fall off of your profile after a set length of time. You may not accumulate more than 10 points at a time before there are consequences.
10 points = 1 month ban
10 more points after you have had a 1 month ban = 6 month ban
10 more points after the 6 month ban = permanent ban
Infractions and points:
Self promotion in wrong area - 1 point (stays on profile for 10 days)
Rude or insulting behavior - 2 points (stays on profile for 90 days)
Insulting/attacking other members - 2 points (stays on profile for 90 days)
Politics - 2 points (stays on profile for 90 days)
Signature line violations - 1 point (stays on profile for 10 days)
Bumping posts in Garage Sale or Self Promotions - 1 point (stays on profile for 10 days)
Garage Sale issue (not sending items, etc) - 5 points (stays on profile for 90 days)
You can view your points in your profile. You will also receive a PM regarding any infractions. |
I changed my email address and I can no longer access the whole site. What do I need to do? |
When you change your email address, a confirmation email is sent to the new email address. In the confirmation email there is a link that you need to click on in order to verify your account. Until this link is clicked, you will have limited account access. Once you click on this link, you will have full access to the site again. |
How do I advertise on LE? How much does it cost? |
For advertising information, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page, or send an email to adinfo@lampworketc.com.
How can I donate monetarily to LE? |
If you'd like to help support the site's operation or show appreciation for the free service we provide, you may use PayPal to "send money" to the email address donate@lampworketc.com
If you'd prefer to send a donation by postal mail, please contact us for a mailing address.
Why does The Bathroom show as Private? Why are there no posts? |
Access to The Bathroom forum is reserved for members who have been registered for at least 15 days and who have posted at least once.
The Bathroom doesn't always reflect the best that our members have to offer, and we'd hate for your first impression of the forum to include it.
Once you make your first post (and have been a member for at least 15 days), it may take up to 15 minutes before you will have access to The Bathroom. Please consider making your first post an introduction post in the Front Door forum.
Why is my post count lower than it should be? |
Posts made in The Bathroom do not count in your post count. |
Can I change my username? |
It is not possible for you to change it on your own. If you would like your username to be changed, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page to send a request.
Depending on the circumstances and in order to prevent confusion of other users, we may request or require that you maintain a note for a while in your User Title or Signature indicating what your former username was. |
Why is LE really slow around 2am MST every day? |
At 2:01am MST (GMT-07) each day, we do a full off-site database backup for disaster recovery purposes. Initially, this backup was very quick and did not impact the site at all. But over time, as the site (and the database) has grown, this backup takes longer and longer each time it runs. At the time of this writing, it takes roughly a minute to run, during which time the LE site is almost completely unresponsive. Once the backup is done, the site is usable but may be slow for several minutes as it recovers from waiting requests from members' web browsers.
At some point we will be forced to find a better backup solution which doesn't require this periodic glitch in site response. Unfortunately, other solutions may not produce quite as reliable of a backup. For now, we'll have to live with how it is. |
All times are GMT -7. The time now is 2:13pm.