Lampwork Etc.

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likes to make glass stuff 2009-09-27 10:11am


Originally Posted by lunamoonshadow (Post 2680466)
Fine for Loren. Many of us respect Loren GREATLY. However YOU are NOT LOREN. SO PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK FOR LOREN.

ANYONE WHO HAS USED A HOTHEAD KNOWS THAT WAVING THE GLASS, OR "BOUNCING IT" in the back of the flame, is often the *only* way to get a shocky rod, or one with a HOLE running through the length of the rod to heat up without simply exploding. This also works nicely with Devardi.

With an oxy/propane torch, the tip that Tink has offered that often works is turning the oxy off or nearly off & stuffing the rod directly into a pure propane flame, sooting it up completely near the face of the torch & then "cleaning it back off"--this works nicely for a *lot* of shocky rods as well. Unfortunately with a *hothead* this trick isn't possible, so *hothead* users are left with the "bounce & wave" method.

PLEASE HAVE THE COURTESY TO IDENTIFY YOURSELF & PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK FOR PERSONS OTHER THAN YOURSELF. You are becoming more than irritating. This thread is here to discuss the working properties of, & tips & techniques FOR Devardi Glass. BY & FOR PEOPLE WORKING WITH THE GLASS. If you have a question, we'd be happy to try and answer it, but your veiled implications that anyone having good things or positive experiences with the glass "must be working for Devardi" is insulting, as is the fact that you seem to be using a secondary, "sham" account to make your posts attacking this glass.


Yeah, I wanted to come back and respond to the bouncing thing...

I like my marshmallows lightly browned. If I hold one in the flame, it catches on fire. If I wave my marshmallow in and out of the very end of the flame, it turns lightly browned.

I don't think glass can be confused.

I think that letting it heat a bit for a moment, then stopping it by pulling it out, would prevent it from overheating. I've forgotten to do this with some shocky rods and had it become frit. If I remember to, with challenging glass, then I have a much lower explosion rate.

Kind of like not overcooking my marshmallow.

likes to make glass stuff 2009-09-27 10:17am


Originally Posted by yellowbird (Post 2680484)
whoever told me that was loren stump who I do not and have never spoken for . lol

You are giving info from him, here, as if he's said it in response to this.

If his information applies I think he's wrong. It happens. People can be wrong, even when they have years of knowledge.

For some reason, I thought Loren typically used the regular run colors, though, not the cranky handpulled stuff? I could be wrong on that.

Fine Folly Glassworks 2009-09-27 10:30am

BEARY-NICE Opaque Medium Brown
That's Opaque Medium Brown, and it is such a neat rich color.

Be sure to show us all something you make if you get it!

Seeing everyone's work in pictures is one of the neatest things about this Blog!


Originally Posted by DesertDreamer (Post 2680496)
Ohhh which brown is that???? I need that!

Lisi 2009-09-27 5:49pm

I'm really liking how some of these colors behave! I've found few that I would definitely order again because they melt so nice and the colors are true. That opaque peach is one of them!

I still have a lot of rods to try out, and when I get around to making some sets of rounds, I will post them here.

TheMaster 2009-10-08 9:54pm

This is a great thread to be at, I have seen very attractive piece of work. And more over use of colors is at its best.

Shrimp 2009-10-08 10:07pm

Wild question here. If a rod has is hollow all the way down it, could it be heated up on one end to a molten blob, and blow through the other end to create a bubble? Perhaps roll the blob in some silver or frit to create some interesting shards?

Fine Folly Glassworks 2009-10-09 4:33am

Glass Has No Memory & Believe The Videos

Originally Posted by likes to make glass stuff (Post 2680512)

I don't think glass can be confused.

I thought I would pass on something simple I was told

"Glass has no memory"

You can work it and then rework it without worry... it holds no memory. For some reason that freed me to do things I might have hesitated on doing with glass in the flame.

The OTHER hard thing I have had to do is BELIEVE the Devardi videos!

For some reason (impatience & stubbornness) I struggle with doing what they say so clearly - introducing and waving the rod at the END of the flame, and then WAITING for it change color before bringing it forward a bit, and THEN slowly allowing it to come to a glow on the end before bringing it forward to finish the melting to use it!

The great price and neat colors and stiffness you get to work with are worth it!

Fine Folly Glassworks 2009-10-09 4:35am

Can someone tell me how to add my website to my signature picture? I tried to find out how, but I am such a blockhead at figuring that kind of thing out!

mini 2009-10-09 10:39am


Originally Posted by Fine Folly Glassworks (Post 2697312)
Can someone tell me how to add my website to my signature picture? I tried to find out how, but I am such a blockhead at figuring that kind of thing out!

At the top, on the red bar, click User CP. Look down the right side. There is an option, Edit Avatar. Click on that. Your avatar picture (the one that shows up next to your name in your posts) can only be 80x80pixels.
I just changed mine!

Fine Folly Glassworks 2009-10-09 11:28am

Thank you kindly! I am such a Space Cadet at tracking these things down!


Originally Posted by mini (Post 2697771)
At the top, on the red bar, click User CP. Look down the right side. There is an option, Edit Avatar. Click on that. Your avatar picture (the one that shows up next to your name in your posts) can only be 80x80pixels.
I just changed mine!

mini 2009-10-10 6:21pm


Originally Posted by Fine Folly Glassworks (Post 2697812)
Thank you kindly! I am such a Space Cadet at tracking these things down!

Ooppsss!! I meant LEFT side! Look down the left side after you click on User CP. I can't tell my right from my left. doh!

Fine Folly Glassworks 2009-10-11 9:50am

Non-gloss question
I am finding that one of the light green colors does not go back to a glossy surface. It turns matt or like a satin finish. It is such a beautiful color.

Am I working it to hot? Any suggestions?

lunamoonshadow 2009-10-13 7:54pm

The only thing I can think (from working EDP--because I haven't tried that color--don't have any!) is that it sounds like it might be devitrifying? Maybe try the "sweat it" method of bringing it back in the "back of the flame" once you're done shaping & warming it back up until it looks "glossy" or "wet" before you put it in the kiln? That works with EDP (moretti/effetre #254) to get rid of the matte/chalky/satin finish that color tends to get--perhaps it would work with this shade as well?

Fine Folly Glassworks 2009-10-14 4:53am


Originally Posted by lunamoonshadow (Post 2703916)
Maybe try the "sweat it" method of bringing it back in the "back of the flame" once you're done shaping & warming it back up until it looks "glossy" or "wet" before you put it in the kiln? That works with EDP (moretti/effetre #254) to get rid of the matte/chalky/satin finish that color tends to get--perhaps it would work with this shade as well?

Wonderful - thank you for the advice. I will give it a try!

Do you or anyone else have pics to show of your work? It's always neat to see the variety.

baby firefly 2009-10-15 1:24pm

Hi Dale&Kristina,
I have bunch of beads that I've made with Devardi but I'm so challenged in the technology dept. I haven't been able to figure out how to post them:( I need to borrow someones child to help me!!
I preheat my rods when I'm torching and am having no trouble getting along with this glass. I was so tickled when I used my new kiln and found that the beads looked the same coming out as they did going in, I have mixed the glass with other 104 glass, used 96 frit and not so sparingly.... I still haven't lost a bead.
If you're looking for info on colors, inquire, I've used quite a few opaques and lots of transparents. The only thing I didn't order was any of the semi-opaques, I will be doing that on my next order, when the new shipment comes in. Anybody have any favorite colors, I should order????
I'm glad for this thread and the generosity of (almost) everyone, to share and help one another.

Fine Folly Glassworks 2009-10-15 3:55pm


Originally Posted by baby firefly (Post 2706727)
Hi Dale&Kristina,
I haven't been able to figure out how to post them:( I need to borrow someones child to help me!!

If you're looking for info on colors, inquire, I've used quite a few opaques and lots of transparents.

Thank you! How do you like the transparents? Are they like Effrete - slower to melt?

You have to take your pictures and then open them in a photo editing program. Crop them to the size dimension you like, then resize them to 85 dpi and under 640 pixels. Find where those options are in the software program.

Then save your image. When you make a posting here click on "Image Uploader" on the right. Find your saved image and Upload it.

When it uploads, click on the far right text ID and it will be entered in your posting.

Clear as mud, right, hope that helps!

baby firefly 2009-10-15 5:14pm

Thank you, I'm going to put that somewhere safe, so I don't lose it. LOL Seriously, did I mention the electrical forcefield that follows me everywhere and how I can crash a computer simply by gazing at it...........
Yes, the transparents are stiff and now I am able to do stringers that I am proud of!!
I just couldn't get over how vibrant the colors are, even colors that are not strong by nature. I was surprised by the light golden smoke, that has been great fun to work with and all the rose colors are stunning. I do use propane, maybe the lower heat is why I'm doing so well with this glass.
I like sculptural pieces, butterflys, animals, flowers and freeform shapes, so the stiffness is a bonus for me. I can do alot more surface decorations and don't have to worry about everything going out of control on me.

SilverRiverJewelry 2009-10-15 8:25pm

I love this glass. I will definitely be buying more. Yes you have to be careful warming it up but in my opinion (such as it is since I am a total beginner) its worth the extra effort. Here are a couple sets I made
Deep Rose Pink


Jungle Green

princessb 2009-10-15 8:57pm

Very pretty Sonja

Fine Folly Glassworks 2009-10-16 3:51am


Originally Posted by SilverRiverJewelry (Post 2707411)
I love this glass. I will definitely be buying more. Yes you have to be careful warming it up but in my opinion (such as it is since I am a total beginner) its worth the extra effort.

If you are a beginner and are making sets like this you definately have "The Gift"!

Keep at it and share your work with us! VERY nice!

amazon 2009-10-19 4:45am

Has anybody had a problem with the color of the glass not being what you thought you bought? I was on the Devardi website this weekend trying to decide what colors to start off with and I noticed that many of the pictures are the same picture with the colors altered. Now I'm afraid to buy any of it!

blong2001 2009-10-19 5:34am

All of the colors that I have tried have been pretty true to the website color. The cranberry is brighter than the website though.

Fine Folly Glassworks 2009-10-19 6:12am

Devardi Color Charts
If you are for real, you can see all the colors with crystal-clear clarity (if you have a good computer monitor) on their bead Color Charts. Don't pick from the rod pictures alone.

Go to their Color Charts:


Originally Posted by amazon (Post 2711538)
Has anybody had a problem with the color of the glass not being what you thought you bought? I was on the Devardi website this weekend trying to decide what colors to start off with and I noticed that many of the pictures are the same picture with the colors altered. Now I'm afraid to buy any of it!

amazon 2009-10-19 6:21am

Thanks Bethany, that's good to know. I really like the pinks they have and the cranberry is absolutely gorgeous. If it's even brighter in person it must be TDF!

amazon 2009-10-19 6:27am


Originally Posted by Fine Folly Glassworks (Post 2711570)
If you are for real, you can see all the colors with crystal-clear clarity (if you have a good computer monitor) on their bead Color Charts. Don't pick from the rod pictures alone.

Go to their Color Charts:

I can't even come up with a response to "If you are for real" that doesn't sound bitchy so I'm just gonna say thanks for the link and leave it at that.

likes to make glass stuff 2009-10-19 8:22am

She's actually, right, lol. I thought "troll", too. Sorry, Amazon, there have been some really harsh attacks on this glass, which probably led to the 'for real' comment.

What I can say about the glass matching photos. On my monitor, it appears reasonably close to the same color as in the pictures for the glass I have. It can be really difficult to photograph some things well, though, and I expect some variations when I receive the glass.

Having fought with trying to get shades to appear correctly-especially pinks, reds and purples, I can see doing this. I think they did a good job, honestly, with fixing the colors to be pretty accurate.

yellowbird 2009-10-19 8:23am

If you say anything negative about this glass he jumps on you
he seems to think this is his thread?

He acts as if he has an investment in this glass .WEIRD .

Fine Folly Glassworks 2009-10-19 8:33am

So Sorry

Originally Posted by amazon (Post 2711583)
I can't even come up with a response to "If you are for real" that doesn't sound bitchy so I'm just gonna say thanks for the link and leave it at that.

I'm sorry. Please forgive me. It was wrong of me to say that. You should be offended.

When you said you were afraid to order I thought you were trying to scare other people on purpose. There have been so many unkind attacks on this little Mom and Pop business.

I hope you accept my appology.

likes to make glass stuff 2009-10-19 8:36am


Originally Posted by yellowbird (Post 2711713)
If you say anything negative about this glass he jumps on you
he seems to think this is his thread?

He acts as if he has an investment in this glass .WEIRD .

Folly likes the glass, and likes to use it. Many people defend products they love. Check out the "lauscha clear made my beads crack threads" for more evidence, lol.

yellowbird 2009-10-19 8:37am

not like that they don't

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