Lampwork Etc.

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Hayley 2009-02-10 1:51pm


Originally Posted by dichromary (Post 2370949)
When I first made beads with the Devardi, I also got fracture similar to your beads and one of them also broke parallel to the mandrel. Since they did not appear to be the spider web type of incompatibility,

Thanks for the suggestion, Mary. Most of my cracks are spider web type of incompatibility - the second one continues to develop cracked fractures all over the surface - I honestly do not think a higher annealing temp will help this kind of incompatibility, nor do I want to waste my time trying to find out. Not to mention the cost of silver glass . . .

Hayley 2009-02-10 2:03pm

3 Attachment(s)
Here you go . . . spider web type of incompatibility, I drew red lines next to the crack fractures:

Attachment 76145

Attachment 76146

Attachment 76147

dichromary 2009-02-10 2:21pm

Hi Hayley, I understand your frustration. This bead definitely shows incompatibility. Could it be the particular combination? Maybe a different combo? Hope you don't mind my being pesky.

Hi BeadMave, I raised my garage temperature to 965 and annealing temperature to 990 for 2 hours. I ramp down 75 degrees per hour to 840. I believe its higher than Lauscha's schedule.

Hayley 2009-02-10 2:30pm

It's all Devardi except for the silver glass so I attribute the incompatibility to the silver glass . . . unless Devardi is incompatible within its own line, which won't surprise me since I don't believe any testing has been done prior to the glass being sold.

If you are interested in what glasses I used, here are the links:

In addition to silver glass incompatibility, I have cracking issue with Diamond Clear stringer decoration on Devardi Black Metallic.

BeadMaven 2009-02-10 2:40pm


Originally Posted by dichromary (Post 2371018)
Hi Hayley, I understand your frustration. This bead definitely shows incompatibility. Could it be the particular combination? Maybe a different combo? Hope you don't mind my being pesky.

Hi BeadMave, I raised my garage temperature to 965 and annealing temperature to 990 for 2 hours. I ramp down 75 degrees per hour to 840. I believe its higher than Lauscha's schedule.

Thanks a bunch Mary, I was wading through an old thread trying to find that info fearing it would take me days.....:lol: I appreciate it!

J&M 2009-02-10 3:22pm

Silver glass and Devardi...
Sorry about the cracked beads. So far, I haven't had the cracking problems using silver glass with Devardi. It's been about 3 weeks since my test beads have been made using Triton, and a few using Aion2 also. So far, so good.

I made a few with the new DH Aura and Devardi (sorry no pics yet) but it's only been 3 days since I made the newest batch of those so I guess it's too early to tell. I'll keep tabs on those, freezer test, post pics when I have time and report back with my findings. I've been garaging at 920 when I use the silver glass combo's and a 200 degree and hour ramp down. If it isn't compatible, I wouldn't want to waste any silver glass either. Time will tell. I'll do the freezer test on the new test beads also.

P.S. I've been using a Cricket and 'Cuda for all of them.

glassactcc 2009-02-20 1:32pm

Here is a style I have been toying with using the Devardi metalic black which I am in love with. The glass, not my bead. At least not yet! I was trying to make the metalic black look like solder. It looks pretty darn close. The picture does not do the bead justice though. It's one of those beads that look better in person.

This is ASK clear with Dichro, and a bit of silver glass and the Devardi on top and bottom.

glassactcc 2009-02-20 1:37pm

Oh, and I won't be able to come back to this thread until Monday. Going away for the weekend. I hope there are some new pictures to see.

lunamoonshadow 2009-02-20 2:21pm

I've got one hand-shaped flattened tab black Devardi bead, completely metalized, with a melted in spot of Brad's striking glass color on one side & a really nice "round raised bead" of the same frit on the other side & it's been smashing around in my coat pocket for over a week now--with below freezing weather outside & 75+ degrees in my house (thermal shock anyone?) & it's FINE. It was made on a mini CC in Rockland & properly annealled.
I'm happy with that "test".
(the bead's nothing special to look at--but as far as "is it gonna survive", my guess is "yep" ;))

bob 2009-02-20 2:37pm

You guys are unreal. I am New and I look at all your incredible work with awe. Thanks for showing your beads. I bought Devardi glass and have not had a problem with it either.
Thanks again:

pking 2009-02-20 3:47pm

WOW! What a breath of fresh air after wading through that cesspool in the other thread. I just wanted to know if anyone had tried it! (Reminded me of the current Monique thread going on!):lol:

But after reading this thread and seeing those beautiful photos, I just might have to try me some.

DesertDreamer 2009-02-20 7:36pm

Cynthia, if you're not in love with that new bead style (and that particular bead) I sure as hell am!!!!! Wow!!!

DesertDreamer 2009-02-20 8:35pm

5 Attachment(s)
Okay, here's a few experiments from me. First is simple test beads. I made plain opaque spacers, and opaques with a wrap of Vetro clear. (I figured a single wrap was more likely to crack.) I also made plain transparent spacers and spacers with a base of CIM Peace and wraps of the colors.

Next is a base of CIM Peace cased in Dev transparent orange and dashed with Black Nebula. Some of the nebula broke off, but I think that's more my fault than any incompatibility. (I didn't melt it in enough.)

Next is a base of Dev clear, cased in Dev transparent red, and scrolled with SIS.

Finally, for this batch, is a light blue Dev heart with a splash of Blue Lagoon frit (96 COE from GG Glass).

DesertDreamer 2009-02-20 8:51pm

3 Attachment(s)
The rest are tests with silver colors.

First, a funny shape in pea green with raked spirals of Rocio Silver Mist and Olympia rain, dotted with cobalt blue.

Next, marine green with a thick, raked Sissley spiral.

And last for this batch is Salmon with Olympia Rain raked spirals

Bubbyanne 2009-02-21 12:15pm

Ohhh Karen,
Cool beads!
I really like what oly rain did with the salmon.

J&M 2009-02-21 12:30pm

Devardi spacers...
Here's some plain beads I made from 2 of the opaque greens, salmon, and gray. When I get more time, I'll post some more with "silvers" & other colors.

dichromary 2009-02-21 1:50pm

Love all the scrumptious colors. Wow Karen, I especially like the pea green with Rocio and or. Just a quick update that the beads I posted on 2/10 are all still intact.

JBeads 2009-02-22 8:12pm

Wow been awhile since I visited here and I am glad I stopped by.

Great beads everyone and I have to say that the black metallic and the salmon are quickly becoming my favorites.

Loving that bubbley pink. Yep I like the


cloud777olga 2009-02-26 10:55am

beads Devardi
hallo everybody :) I ask me to excuse for through electronic translator.
I only begin to work with glass. Less than 1 month. I study on your lessons in the internet or buy them. I was interested by some colors in Devardi. I today decided to make attempt this glass and show you the beads.
1. bead from Champagne Rose Devardi + Beadmaking 104® by Kuglar B 502 Sattrosa + a little PSYCHE DH + my Twisted Cane with ivory
2. bead from Salmon + Op. Dk. Marine + SIS + a little Miro R4
3. bead from Transparent Red + Semi-Opaque Yellow + SIS + Matisse R4
did beads on HH, all colors worked well, only Op. Dk. Marine "shot" at first, but then warmed up and also lay down perfectly :)
tomorrow I will make attempt other colors, if you are not scared by my first beads :)
I will show yet.
Olga (Russia)

glassactcc 2009-02-26 12:00pm

Oh, thanks Karen. They are improving with time just like me\\:D/
Looks like you were very busy and I think you did a way more comprehensive test too. I hate doing tests so I just make what I normally make and hope to God they don't crack. Not a smart way to go.

Olga, I am very impressed with your beads. You have been doing them for so little time. They are beautiful. Please post more.

PaulaD 2009-02-26 2:53pm


Originally Posted by cloud777olga (Post 2395852)
hallo everybody :) I ask me to excuse for through electronic translator.
I only begin to work with glass. Less than 1 month. I study on your lessons in the internet or buy them. I was interested by some colors in Devardi. I today decided to make attempt this glass and show you the beads.
1. bead from Champagne Rose Devardi + Beadmaking 104® by Kuglar B 502 Sattrosa + a little PAYCHE DH + my Twisted Cane with ivory
2. bead from Salmon + Op. Dk. Marine + SIS + a little Miro R4
3. bead from Transparent Red + Semi-Opaque Yellow + SIS + Matisse R4
did beads on HH, all colors worked well, only Op. Dk. Marine "shot" at first, but then warmed up and also lay down perfectly :)
tomorrow I will make attempt other colors, if you are not scared by my first beads :)
I will show yet.
Olga (Russia)

Hi Olga!!:waving::waving::waving:
Your beads are pretty!


cloud777olga 2009-02-26 4:29pm

Ah, Paula
I am pleasant to see you here :)))
for me done 2 such beautiful beads from LAUSCHA...but they cracked :((( my stove for annealing on the way...think, that from for it.
but one survived :)))

lunamoonshadow 2009-02-26 4:44pm

Olga--if you're trying to batch anneal Lauscha (which is REALLY hard to do)--you need to NOT mix it with ANYTHING else other than Lauscha. That's the ONLY way I've ever been able to do Lauscha "without putting it right in the kiln"--and then I have to work fairly small, NEVER PRESS (tubes are ok) & make sure I use plenty of "insurance heat" (good & glowing all evenly) before I cool it evenly to just barely solid before I stuff it in either a fiber blanket or vermiculite to cool. Then I don't touch it for overnight. I've had decent luck with batch annealing Lauscha that way--but only if I don't mix ANY other brands of 104 with it, no silver foil, no cz's, nothing!--nothing but Lauscha in the beads.

Other than that, I do the same thing for all my batched beads as far as "cooling" (insurance heat, just barely "stiff" on the skin & then into the warm crock pot & leave 'em overnight to cool--then off to Nikki for batch annealling)

I :love: your bead with the dark marine in it--that's lovely!

Drafly 2009-02-26 4:44pm

Hello Olga, Thanks for sharing your beads with us. I love your colors. Please post more with your working experiences with Devardi glass. We like it very much too.

cloud777olga 2009-02-26 4:56pm

I read a theme about devardi..and a little was afraid to show beads... suddenly will strew tomatoes :)
but thank you :)
I tomorrow will show yet :)

cloud777olga 2009-02-26 5:02pm


Originally Posted by lunamoonshadow (Post 2396305)
Olga--if you're trying to batch anneal Lauscha (which is REALLY hard to do)--you need to NOT mix it with ANYTHING else other than Lauscha. That's the ONLY way I've ever been able to do Lauscha "without putting it right in the kiln"--and then I have to work fairly small, NEVER PRESS (tubes are ok) & make sure I use plenty of "insurance heat" (good & glowing all evenly) before I cool it evenly to just barely solid before I stuff it in either a fiber blanket or vermiculite to cool. Then I don't touch it for overnight. I've had decent luck with batch annealing Lauscha that way--but only if I don't mix ANY other brands of 104 with it, no silver foil, no cz's, nothing!--nothing but Lauscha in the beads.

Other than that, I do the same thing for all my batched beads as far as "cooling" (insurance heat, just barely "stiff" on the skin & then into the warm crock pot & leave 'em overnight to cool--then off to Nikki for batch annealling)

I :love: your bead with the dark marine in it--that's lovely!

Thanks big... I will translate all more precisely and I will try:))
BUT... Lauscha with silver so beautifully looks...

DesertDreamer 2009-02-26 8:54pm

Hi Olga!

Your beads are lovely. I like the "survivor" in the last group best. :) More pictures, please.

Lauscha is often difficult with not-Lauscha glass.

PaulaD 2009-02-26 9:02pm

Hey Olga
You need to anneal Lauscha right away and at 980 if you are going to mix the clear with other manufacturers colors. Lots of colors are easy to mix but they have to be annealed properly! But we don't really know the exact COE of Devardi so other clears may crack too.

Drafly 2009-02-26 10:47pm

I am running base line glass tests on all Devardi colors with Moretti. We will then know if any stress is present and in which colors. I think, when time premits, I will also start testing the Lauscha.

cloud777olga 2009-02-26 10:58pm


Originally Posted by PaulaD (Post 2396671)
Hey Olga
You need to anneal Lauscha right away and at 980 if you are going to mix the clear with other manufacturers colors. Lots of colors are easy to mix but they have to be annealed properly! But we don't really know the exact COE of Devardi so other clears may crack too.

Paula Yes, it is certainly necessary anneal:) I understand... But very much it would be desirable to try. But I think that Lauscha it is fine itself:) I love German glass more than others and I wait at you:) Reichenbach 104

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