Lampwork Etc.

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-   -   Grand Opening ~ Rochester Arc & Flame Center - Jan 7th (

DreamMuse 2012-01-04 9:02pm

Grand Opening ~ Rochester Arc & Flame Center - Jan 7th
Here's a snip from the announcement from Milon Townsend.

New ~ Rochester Arc & Flame Center!

We're having our Grand Opening this coming Saturday, January 7th, from 10 am to 5 pm...please come! It'll blow you away. State of the art art making facility unlike any other you've seen...flameworking, welding, blacksmithing, grinding & polishing glass, and kiln working glass. We're in the process of formatting class topics and schedule, and while it'll no doubt take some time to work out the kinks, we have a world class school with an amazing crew of people in the glass and metal craft/arts community to explore, create, and collaborate. It's about creating a community as much as anything else. We want to build a regional foundation as well as to reach out nationally,
and we want to welcome you into our growing family. Please come, explore, learn, grow, share your ideas and enthusiasm...enjoy with us!

Saturday, the 7th, 10 am to 5 pm...please come!

Very sincerely,

Rochester Arc & Flame Center
125 FedEx Way
Rochester, NY 14624

DreamMuse 2012-01-05 10:22am

Oh, and in case it isn't obvious, the website is

It's still under construction with the instructor list and class list, but you can see the types of things going on.

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