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BeckyNoe 2013-02-09 12:44pm

Helping the Sea Turtles of Cozumel
1 Attachment(s)
I hope this is the right place to post this.

We go to Cozumel, MX every year for our diving vacation, and have learned that the Ecological Society down there that helps to preserve the sea turtle numbers is not governmental funded. They rely 100% on donations to run their program.

What they do and mark the nests (there were 7500 nexts last year) and then help protect them from poachers (as well as the turtles when they come to lay their eggs). After the nests have hatched, they did them up, count the egg shells, and also rescue any late hatchers that are too far down in the nest to be able to get out with out help.

Its a very cool program. I will be making some items to donate to them for sales when the tourists come to their little trailer...and it's little...bout 10 x 10.

Anyone willing to accept a challenge to make some items to donate to help them raise some funds?

We will be leaving for Cozumel on 10/26/2013 so there is some time to get things made and sent to me to deliver.

For more information you can see their Facebook page here

I can be reached at as well.

How can you resist helping little guys like this one that we rescued in 2012!!

Becky Noe

KJohn 2013-02-09 7:26pm

What a nice thing to be involved in. Hope you get a good response!

BeckyNoe 2013-02-09 7:51pm

Thanks too

Moth 2013-02-11 10:44am

If anyone wants to make some sea turtles to send to this event, I have a sea turtle tutorial in my shop. If you use coupon code tortuga you will get the tutorial for free! I don't want to make any money from it, but just to help anyone who would like to send some turtles to this fundraiser! Hope it helps.

Here is a link to the tutorial. Don't forget to use the coupon code! It will subtract the price of the tutorial from your cart.

Be sure to follow instructions on the confirmation page to instantly download your tutorial at the end of checkout. If you have any trouble, just email me and I'll zip a copy over to you. This coupon code will work for all of February!

marla0416 2013-02-11 10:49am

That is so awesome! What a really nice thing to do. You can count me in. I'm new but willing.

Eileen 2013-02-11 11:00am

Mary thank you, I was trying to figure out how to make a few, this will help if it's anything like the excellent tutorials I've bought from you in the past!
(Not that I've actually made a dragon or jellyfish bead for example, but I've read them while I get up my nerve, and actually made components of the jellyfish bead)

Afterdark 2013-02-11 4:24pm

AWWWW that picture is too cute! I'm hooked!!

Mary- you are awesome- if you can give and pay it forward I am gonna do my best to create some turtles to swim to Cozumel too!!

dmmcnair 2013-02-11 5:27pm

Mary, thank you! I got your tut and have two turtles sitting in the kiln as I type. I will be doing a few more to send to Becky. I love this tut.

KJohn 2013-02-11 6:24pm

Hi Mary,

Just got your tut too. I'm going through it now. Looks awesome. Thank you!

Mr.Smeeth 2013-02-11 9:05pm

Im in. Making a bunch of turtles. Glass for the environment. Turtles are awesome. Turtles FTW.


ginko 2013-02-11 9:41pm

I will be in Cozumel on a stop on our cruise. We will be there the 1st of November. Will you still be in Cozumel?

Mr.Smeeth 2013-02-13 5:26pm

Here is a turtle from Marry's tutorial ready to go to mexico. Thanks Marry very cool Idea.


dmmcnair 2013-02-13 9:24pm

That is one beautiful turtle.

Here are a few that I'm sending. Thank you Mary for the tut.

Sadly one of the others that I was going to send broke a flipper.

Tillie 2013-02-14 12:33pm

Thank you for the tut, Mary! I'm in! I love Cozumel and diving there. I was in on the Juan Leca push to save Paradise reef. I'm all for saving any part of our marine environment!

BeckyNoe 2013-02-14 4:14pm

you all are fabulous!! This is going to be so fun to give them all to the eco society there. BTW was brought to my attention (my words not theirs) that i'm an idiot..duh..posting my address and when i will be gone was not so smart :)

That being said...send me a private message and i'll give you my address where to send these amazing donations!!

I have a huge dog show this weekend so won't be able to try my hand at Mary's tut till next weekend.


BeckyNoe 2013-02-14 4:15pm

Hey worries on the broken flipper...there are those babies born that have broken or missing flippers as well. We all are not perfect..that would make us all ordinary right!!

Is it salvageable enough that he can maybe still go?

Roo Blaty 2013-02-14 6:14pm

Do cartoon sea turtles count?
2 Attachment(s)
I have some little "Finding Nemo" type turtles.... I have it on (almost constantly) in my studio :grin:

dmmcnair 2013-02-15 2:12pm

It is, I can cold work it smooth.

BeckyNoe 2013-02-15 3:55pm

Roo those definately count!! They are adorable!!

:) Dawn your choice

Roo Blaty 2013-02-15 7:42pm

Thanks Becky!
They are like little pets almost, so much personality (to me anyway).
I rarely list them for sale...they just sit around and watch me work. But they wouldn't mind a trip to Mexico to help their kin. :lol: (except the baby one, he's too skeeert)

Do you want to pm me that address that you had hanging out for the world to see! :lol:

NeenaG 2013-02-24 2:23pm

Thanks, Mary! I'm just seeing this. I'm going to try to make some of these to send to Becky.

Pickledkitty 2013-02-24 3:29pm

Just the push that I needed to buy the jellyfish and dragon tutorials while I was there, thanks Mary!

This is going to have to wait until the three feet of snow here melts so I can put together my studio, but that is okay 'cause you aren't leaving 'til October, right? ;p

BeckyNoe 2013-02-24 7:57pm

Nope not till October :) can't wait to see what you do. I am hoping to get to my attempts next weekend.


BeckyNoe 2013-02-26 3:25pm

ooooo so excited. I just received the first turtles to take to Cozumel and give to the Ecological Society as donations from Steve and beautiful is not a good enough word to use to describe them!

I bought some of his sea murinni to try my hand at a turtle or two and now have some seaweed twisties to use and not give my self a headache trying to figure out how to make them! Thank you Steve..that was very nice of you.

Newbie headaches are NOT fun :)


BeckyNoe 2013-03-08 8:05pm

so does anyone have any photos of the turtles they have been making with Mary's tut? I'd love to see them. I will be attempting my first one this weekend, since it will be snowing this weekend. I've received Steve's and they are more fabulous in person then they were in the photos!!

Anyone? Anyone??


debb 2013-03-09 12:47am

Here's my first few attempts. I'm going to try to make one or two each week for the next few months so I have a nice amount to send off :)

BeckyNoe 2013-03-09 9:08am

those are awesome Deb. I'm going to try my first one today ;)

BeckyNoe 2013-03-09 3:09pm

My First Attempt At Mary's Turtle
1 Attachment(s)
Today was my first attempt at Mary Lockwood's Turtle. I bought her tutorial when i thought of this project and don't regret it one bit. Super simple to follow, and so's fabulous!!

Too bad the unlabeled rod that looked like amber was actually transparent red or pink of some type.

My fins and head are too big, but I'm happy with this monster of a bead. It didn't crack when i was making it which is good cause I have never had that much glass at the end of my stick it's in the kiln hopefully cooking nicely and not cracking.

I don't have a big kiln yet, so the mini devarti annealer will have to do. Just hope i can figure out timing for cooking it.

Can't wait to do another..but only one at a time will fit in the kiln till my Glass-hive gets here.


Josephtheterrible 2013-05-24 7:17am

I love to make turtles. It's as though you are making these critters come to life and each one has it's own personality.

patienthand 2013-05-28 4:44pm

I just found this thread. We went to Cozumel as one of the stops on our cruise last month. I have several implosion turtles made, already in my stash.

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