Lampwork Etc.

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killerbeedz1 2011-01-20 10:32am

You're doing a great job Amy. I like!


AKDesigns 2011-01-20 10:34am

I can't believe the huge wealth of free tutorials here that have gotten lost in all the chatter and questions. It's so nice to get them all separated. People should really take the time to go through them once I'm done.

Polgarra 2011-01-20 10:40am

Aye Aye captain. I think I might play Tut Roulette and just randomly pick a tutorial to try each week. Thank you for all your work

Anne Ricketts 2011-01-20 10:56am


Originally Posted by Polgarra (Post 3372763)
Aye Aye captain. I think I might play Tut Roulette and just randomly pick a tutorial to try each week. Thank you for all your work

Where's the "like" button! :lol: I think that is a great idea, one I might try to get out of my funk!!

Polgarra 2011-01-20 11:06am


Originally Posted by Anne Ricketts (Post 3372792)
Where's the "like" button! :lol: I think that is a great idea, one I might try to get out of my funk!!

If other people are interested we could play a version of this in the patio? Take advantage of the new free tutorial section. Roll a dice, try the tutorial then post our results (Do you post what you have made in the free tutorial thread or is that a no-no?)

Frit Diva 2011-01-20 11:08am

It really does look great ~ Amy, thanks for doing all the sorting! I'm excited, now everybody can find what they are looking for so much easier, and we have a place to discuss, ask questions, etc without littering up the tutorial libraries! Yeah!!!!!


Frit Diva 2011-01-20 11:09am

Pol, you could do a random number generator to pick a free tut, then put up a weekly or monthly challenge with a link to the tut. I love that idea!


Anne Ricketts 2011-01-20 11:18am


Originally Posted by Polgarra (Post 3372802)
Roll a dice, try the tutorial then post our results (Do you post what you have made in the free tutorial thread or is that a no-no?)

I can only say for myself but I love to see what people do with my tutorials! I don't think it would be a no-no!

AKDesigns 2011-01-20 1:53pm

Done! As of this exact moment, the only thing that is in the Tutorial for Purchase section are completed tutorial ready for purchase. The only thing in the Free Tutorial section are completed free tutorials. Basically if it didn't fall into one of the above categories it went to the main tutorial section. All out dated sale threads were deleted.

Listenup 2011-01-20 1:56pm

You Rock Amy!!!!!

Anne Ricketts 2011-01-20 2:49pm

Thank you Amy! You da woman!

squid 2011-01-20 2:57pm

Wow, good work!

moondanse 2011-01-20 3:01pm

Excellent job! You make a fine housekeeper--who'da thunk?

AKDesigns 2011-01-20 3:27pm


Originally Posted by moondanse (Post 3373140)
Excellent job! You make a fine housekeeper--who'da thunk?

:lol: I'm betting Corri wishes I could come to her house and clean too.

chrisdd 2011-01-20 4:23pm

Thanks, Amy!!!

Sherry 2011-01-20 6:59pm

Thanks, Amy; what a massive job you've done!

tela 2011-01-20 7:21pm

It looks great Amy! There is so much great stuff in the free section, and it was a walk down memory lane taboot!

bluffroadglass 2011-01-21 11:10am

Thank you for reorganizing everything, Amy. It looks great. And thank you Corri for adding the new subforum!

Leslie Dana 2011-01-25 1:23am

Two thumbs up Amy,thanks!

Seasoned Soul 2011-01-25 7:01am

Awesome Amy....I'm beyond thankful.... I was sooo lost.

SpitFire 2011-01-25 8:12am

Perfecto! =D>=D>=D> Thank you!

AKDesigns 2011-01-25 11:06am

You're very welcome everyone. It felt good to organize it all. :)

Moth 2011-02-03 5:51am looks absolutely fantastic!!!

I'm a tutorial seller and honestly--I even quit going into those forum rooms myself. It was just a hot mess in there.

I didn't post anything about retail tutorials in the regular tutorials section but I really really wish we could have been able to delete old sale threads in the tutorials for purchase area. That would have helped to be able to clear those out, but what Amy has done is even better.

Thanks for the subforums, Corri and thanks to Amy for all the hard work.


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