Lampwork Etc.

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-   -   Unlimited Oxygen Have Conned me and are ignoring my attempts to contact them. (

oxydoc 2013-03-25 4:40am


Originally Posted by moondanse (Post 4276846)
Your response to Kalera was reprehensible.

You are right, Kalera I am sorry. Your responses are not shallow. I get a little passionate about things concerning my family and my business. Which is why I take the time to try to make people understand my methods. Again, I am sorry.

oxydoc 2013-03-25 4:42am


Originally Posted by menty666 (Post 4276864)
Require it.

a) You're covering your costs. It sounds like funding the physical parts is one of the sticking points in your pipeline.

b) Sometimes less choice is better. I was buying bread the other day, looking for whole wheat bread. I had to dig through brands, variations, sizes of loaves, etc. What I needed was just a section where I could find whole wheat bread so I could get out of the store.

You need to manage the experience. If you start giving a lot of options, you're putting it back on the customer and that seems to be some of what's screwing you over.

Thank you, for your advice. I am implementing it today.

Kalera 2013-03-25 7:37am


Originally Posted by oxydoc (Post 4277039)
You are right, Kalera I am sorry. Your responses are not shallow. I get a little passionate about things concerning my family and my business. Which is why I take the time to try to make people understand my methods. Again, I am sorry.

I accept your apology, and thank you.

Passion is good, but if you will take my advice as a businessperson, if you cannot represent your company in a civil and professional manner when conflicts arise, you might want to find someone who can do it for you.

You might also consider looking into that FTC link I posted, it could save you a lot of heartache down the road if someone decides to complain about your business practices.

quincyandco 2013-03-25 8:09am


Originally Posted by oxydoc (Post 4276577)
This is truely what its all about. Is it worth the wait? Yes

I would say NO.....

Patienceisavirtue 2013-03-25 11:54am


Originally Posted by oxydoc (Post 4277041)
Thank you, for your advice. I am implementing it today.

I received a tracking number today, for some reason USPS won't let me track it yet but at least I got one. Fingers crossed..

Thank you for offering to pay the shipping costs on the units. It is much appreciated and goes some way to making me feel better about the order.

oxydoc 2013-03-25 12:40pm


Originally Posted by Patienceisavirtue (Post 4277469)
I received a tracking number today, for some reason USPS won't let me track it yet but at least I got one. Fingers crossed..

Thank you for offering to pay the shipping costs on the units. It is much appreciated and goes some way to making me feel better about the order.

You can track it after it is scanned by the Mailperson. Will be after 5pm easter time.

oxydoc 2013-03-25 12:42pm


Originally Posted by Patienceisavirtue (Post 4277469)
I received a tracking number today, for some reason USPS won't let me track it yet but at least I got one. Fingers crossed..

Thank you for offering to pay the shipping costs on the units. It is much appreciated and goes some way to making me feel better about the order.

After I get these sent, I will send a compressor as originaly promised. The shipping on this one, just for the record was 114.03.

oxydoc 2013-03-25 12:45pm


Originally Posted by Patienceisavirtue (Post 4277469)
I received a tracking number today, for some reason USPS won't let me track it yet but at least I got one. Fingers crossed..

Thank you for offering to pay the shipping costs on the units. It is much appreciated and goes some way to making me feel better about the order.

I think the system we designed over the phone will work great. The unit will put out 10 lpm at 20 psi and 94%. We tested this one extensively.

doraspot 2013-03-29 5:19am


Originally Posted by Maui Greenstone (Post 4271800)
Cue the UO supporters to chime in and sorry just see this same
Post(or variations if it all too often). Here are my predictions for the rest of this thread.... Others will chime in with their crap experience. Then a few will post that they had good dealings. The two factions will argue a bit, then Jack will at some point come in, defensively give an explanation, then you two will work it out. Pretty common UO customer service issue, but always see a fair resolution in the end.

Are a MIND reader ?

doraspot 2013-06-29 6:48am


Originally Posted by Patienceisavirtue (Post 4271791)
I ordered $2000 worth of custom oxygen equipment, over eight months ago. I'll happily go into details if this post makes it out in the open.

To cut a long story short I've been told even now only 1/5th of the order has been done.

I was even asked for $85 up front on top of this six months ago to pay for shipping costs. Nothing has ever been shipped.

They are no refusing to talk to me. Jack answered the phone and when he recognised my voice he simply hung up and refuse to answer agian despite repeated attempts to ring.

I was told I had to pay up front for the seive material because that was expensive. I have been told that material has only been ordered for one unit. When I asked what had happened to the money, I was told that was none of my business and irrelevant.

If this isn't resolved soon I'll be filing suit in short order. As far as I'm concerned this is fraud.

I am not happy at all.

I would like to know if this was ever resolved to your satisfaction ?

Patienceisavirtue 2013-08-21 8:54am

Oh well.....

Originally Posted by doraspot (Post 4351158)
I would like to know if this was ever resolved to your satisfaction ?

It pains me to post this but oh well, I messaged jack a month or two ago to avoid this but having received nothing again this is getting beyond a joke.

Jack, I'd like the two compressors you promised me, along with the second supposedly built unit that's sitting around in your workshop, and preferably the other three units that were part of my original order as well......

My issue has NOT been resolved and we are coming up to almost the 1 year anniversary of my original order, and payment, and payment of shipping.........

If you can't do the other three jack, then please just send me the second unit, the two compressors and refund me the rest of my money, because this is getting out of hand.

(Long Sigh)

istandalone24/7 2013-08-21 10:59am

that's ludicrous. call your bank/debit card/credit card company or whatever.

LarryC 2013-08-21 2:23pm


Originally Posted by Patienceisavirtue (Post 4388422)
It pains me to post this but oh well, I messaged jack a month or two ago to avoid this but having received nothing again this is getting beyond a joke.

Jack, I'd like the two compressors you promised me, along with the second supposedly built unit that's sitting around in your workshop, and preferably the other three units that were part of my original order as well......

My issue has NOT been resolved and we are coming up to almost the 1 year anniversary of my original order, and payment, and payment of shipping.........

If you can't do the other three jack, then please just send me the second unit, the two compressors and refund me the rest of my money, because this is getting out of hand.

(Long Sigh)

Wow! Your handle is accurate. I would have been furious many months ago.

CorriDawn 2013-08-23 10:59am

I am moving this thread since Jack does not have access to this area of the forum

Raimond 2013-08-23 11:04am


Originally Posted by CorriDawn (Post 4390498)
I am moving this thread since Jack does not have access to this area of the forum

It's good that it is being made available for Jack to see and respond.
Can you explain why Jack does not have access to this area?
Inquiring minds, me, want to understand...

Thank you

istandalone24/7 2013-08-23 11:12am

i think she meant that Jack has no access to the "customer service kiosk" since he's no longer a LE member.
but he can in fact see them if they're in the tips/tricks forum.

at least that's how i understand it.

CorriDawn 2013-08-23 5:07pm


Originally Posted by istandalone24/7 (Post 4390514)
i think she meant that Jack has no access to the "customer service kiosk" since he's no longer a LE member.
but he can in fact see them if they're in the tips/tricks forum.

at least that's how i understand it.

He is still a member. I was simply moving this to an area where he has access to read and post.

Raimond 2013-08-23 5:18pm

Still didn't answer my question...
Is it that vendors do not have access to certain areas/threads? I have seen some good input from some of the vendors here on questions asked.

Not being difficult, I just want to understand.

Eileen 2013-08-23 5:19pm

I have nothing except I have noted that he asks people to call. Maybe you've already done that, but if not it might be worth doing.

~~~ Backing away again ~~~

houptdavid 2013-08-23 6:22pm

He's no longer a vendor (would be my guess)

Raimond 2013-08-23 7:01pm

Really? I thought I saw his banner yesterday... Maybe not... That would make sense though.

bob 2013-08-24 3:31am

I thought I saw he was now selling through distributers. I'm not sure but Whales may be one of them. The price has almost doubled, someone most of put money up for him to expand.

Raimond 2013-08-24 8:32am

One day after he announced a new selling structure there were no prices. Two days latter the prices were there again. Today, prices are still there, and not much different than last year.

Jack is a good guy to deal with, ask questions... Unfortunately, his Business model is not perfect. Many including me have offered suggestions on timeline promises. His website now says the wait times are 3-5 months and to call on build times, he's listening to our suggestions...

If it has truly been a year and UO is ignoring attempts to contact them then the next logical step is to the CC company. I don't think after a year they will be much help though, something about time limits. After that, (I hate to suggest it) using a legal system approach. Use the small claims process on one machine or the full press approach on the full order. I hope it does not come down to requiring this approach for all parties...
Call Call Call and keep notes.

WiredHeArt 2013-08-26 10:09pm

I'm currently in the market for a concentrator for my Minor Burner... I had intended to shop w UO, but after reading this forum, I am not so sure if that is a wise choice... I understand the hardships of running a business, & would love to give UO my business, but I'm also a customer & want to be able to get my purchase in a proficient manner... In saying that, what other companies would be recommended to look into, for acquiring a well-built concentrator, in a proficient amount of time...

AKDesigns 2013-08-26 10:42pm


Originally Posted by WiredHeArt (Post 4393472)
I'm currently in the market for a concentrator for my Minor Burner... I had intended to shop w UO, but after reading this forum, I am not so sure if that is a wise choice... I understand the hardships of running a business, & would love to give UO my business, but I'm also a customer & want to be able to get my purchase in a proficient manner... In saying that, what other companies would be recommended to look into, for acquiring a well-built concentrator, in a proficient amount of time...

WiredHeArt 2013-08-26 11:15pm

Thanks for the info... I'll definitely look into it...

Lisi 2013-08-26 11:15pm

There is a 5 year warranty on these:

Angie09 2013-08-27 3:53am


Originally Posted by Lisi (Post 4393496)
There is a 5 year warranty on these:

Best concentrator you will EVER buy!

marla0416 2013-08-27 6:12am

This person only posts about UO!!!!!!

oxydoc 2013-08-27 6:56am


Originally Posted by AKDesigns (Post 4393486)

Call me. I will treat you right.

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