Lampwork Etc.

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Eileen 2014-01-12 5:46pm

Show us when you're done please! :D

essiemessy 2014-01-12 5:48pm

Sure thing, Luvvy. I have no idea whether it will work or not. I think maybe do a black dot then maybe the clear plunge, or else the 'holes' will probably be barely noticeable. I'm still mulling the process over. But I'm very curious. Would love to know whether anyone's tried it, too.

glasslass2 2014-01-12 7:07pm

Wow Nina thanks for the pics and the comparison of the straw and lt brown. My stringers are thinner than yours, perhaps that's part of my problem.
I really can't remember if I encased or not. Will try again tomorrow night and post my results.

beadaddicts 2015-09-24 7:32am

Bump! Cause I forgot how awesome this thread was!

saraconklin 2015-09-24 9:38am

just bought some of the new blends that do this whammy and they are wonderful.. when i do the process on red copper green it is magic

PattyK 2015-09-24 12:16pm

Which blends are those Sara? Do tell :)

kayrein97 2015-09-24 1:48pm

Love Love Love this technique, My all time favorite bead to make. They all are so unique.

saraconklin 2015-09-28 10:07am

i bought Magic Morocco, Magic Copper Blue, Magic Green Shimmer, Magic Iris Sunrise. they are about $6. for a small container. i will check my notes and tell you some of the great combos with base glass. what i can remember now is that red copper green does some fab mojo as a base. she was of of one of the blends that i wanted when i ordered.

just went to the website, i swear there was a section labeled "fake boro" where all the frit for the process were gathered but i can't find it now. i searched through all the categories and i think some of them are listed under the Reichenbach tab. tried to call, thankfully there was a phone number on my receipt -- hate it when you can't find a phone number on a website -- answer. so, my goal was to help this biz by walking you all through how easy it was to "tool up" and i have failed. to summarize: That Frit Girl makes some magic stuff and, if you can figure out how to find it on the website, get some. a search box would have probably lead me right to it. but no. so, hang in there, it is well worth the effort. more later about a few sexy bases. this thread really has a great amount of info in it. thanks to everyone who has made comments.

PattyK 2015-09-28 12:22pm

I think this is what you were looking for Sara - its under Blends > COE 96 Blends. :)

Also, there is a search box on the right but you have to scroll down a bit to see it.

saraconklin 2015-09-28 1:26pm

thank you. now that i figured out "blends" versus just straight listings for the different coe's i found my way, big duh. old now. it usually takes a few friends to help make 1 good brain. the search box on the lower right, so glad you pointed it out. i am used to them being at the top of most pages...............thanks again. will post my handy hints later today.

PattyK 2015-09-28 3:54pm

You're very welcome - looking forward to those hints! :)

saraconklin 2015-09-29 4:14pm

notes from Sara Conklin

Fake Boro Notes Condensation – all base beads are transparent unless noted
I started working with the fake boro frits in some early frit blends a while ago and then recently found some new blends. Notes from my earlier trials are at the end of this info.
Sept 2015-09-29
Magic Green shimmer: opal yellow, red copper green (great), effetre strawberry (great), straw yellow (great), EDP good – better when swirled with sage and kiwi), kiwi and mosaic green is good
Magic Morocco: red copper green is ok, opal yellow is ok
Magic Iris Sunrise: red copper green great, dreamcicle mixed with Kalypso is great
Magic Copper Blue: red copper green great, white encased with ink blue is good, dark turquoise and trans purple – very good, kryptonite and triton weird – too milky, ink blue and turquoise is ok, Ka-Bluy and violet new opaque is great

Old info: Base colors for frits
Blue: light blue, lavender, dark aqua, straw yellow/blue stringer specifically on ink blue
Iris Gold: striking red (ok, not great)
Iris Green: on straw yellow base
Good bases for all frits: strike red and yellow, ink blue, dark green, light teal encased with emerald, carnelian, red copper green opaque, cobalt, dark multi (opaque), red encased with medium amethyst and black
Cook the hell out of the rod and frit mix, make it hazy by adding some propane.
Reduce the beads before encasing
Layer several stringers on a base
Mix iris gold frit with Atlantas frit on straw yellow base
Kelp and DH frit good

Chocake 2016-03-30 7:35pm

Cause I finally got around to ordering Iris gold frit....

KJohn 2016-03-31 12:10am


Mine always turned out dark, will have to try again some day soon. Love some of the pics I've seen

Eileen 2016-03-31 6:55am

I love this technique, and need to use it again. I just had someone tell me the other day how beautiful the piece was that I had used in a bracelet.

saraconklin 2016-03-31 12:46pm

finally got some gold foil, going to try it on that

Eileen 2016-03-31 2:08pm

Don't gold and silver fight? Or do you mean with a barrier glass between the gold and the silver glass? And also I could be wrong on the fight,but either way I hope you share your results with us. :D

Chocake 2016-03-31 2:38pm

i know you can get some boro like effects from gold rubino and silver foil, so it'll be interesting to see your results Sara!! Hurry and post pics

Eileen 2016-03-31 7:21pm


Originally Posted by Chocake (Post 4839540)
i know you can get some boro like effects from gold rubino and silver foil, so it'll be interesting to see your results Sara!! Hurry and post pics

Do you have photos? I found some extra rubino when I was cleaning out my stuff the other day, it sounds beautiful!

Chocake 2016-03-31 7:38pm

1 Attachment(s)
I think it's Michael(?) Barley that does the technique. I tried a couple but with not so great results. Here's a really BAD pic. The first is Rubino dots on cobalt blue, the second the same only encased and the 3rd is rubino on unknown medium blue --all wrapped in foil after the rubino application.

sofie@ 2016-04-01 11:05am

my first beads :lol:

Eileen 2016-04-01 12:02pm


KJohn 2016-04-02 1:03am

Love those!

Chocake 2016-04-02 7:25am


saraconklin 2016-04-02 11:10am

got confused about two techniques. i was thinking this was the one where you put down a metal foil and make jewels by putting drops??? of a transparent glass on top or some such deal

saraconklin 2016-04-02 11:33am

just remembered it was the "fire opal" technique. old now.................

Eileen 2016-04-02 11:45am

That's another great technique, sounds beautiful with the gold.

sofie@ 2016-04-02 11:06pm

the 4 beads on the right side are faux boro beads :smile:

Eileen 2016-04-03 7:11am


Mina 2016-04-03 7:36am


Originally Posted by sofie@ (Post 4839695)

How did you make these?

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