Lampwork Etc.

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Kaleidoglass 2005-09-16 11:05am

How do you make Moretti look like Boro
My friend Barbara, from Quincy, MA, just joined LE and is trying to figure out how to post. Until she has time to figure it out, she asked me to post this for her...

How do you make Moretti look like Borosilicate. Both Kate Fowle and Nancy Tobey say you can do it. It think it involves Palladium foils. Anyone know?

cghipp 2005-09-16 11:17am

You can get boro-ish effects by simply adding a little rubino over silver foil. (Thanks Michael Barley!)


Deneen 2005-09-16 11:36am

I have used silvered rubino stringer over transparent colors then encased in clear to get a boro look sometimes. It is tricky, though. Too much silver on the stringer goes to mud and not enough silver fades into nothing.

rightbrainbeads 2005-09-16 8:23pm

Nancy, there are different ways of doing it and most of them involve either silver (or fuming with silver) or reduction frit of one kind or another. Some frits work really well for this, and one of them is iris gold...

These beads were made by pulling a stringer of Moretti light brown transparent glass that had been rolled in iris gold frit. I laid the stringer on (all squiggly) different bases-- carnelian works really well, and then encased that with clear or pale transparent lavender glass. There is no blue glass in these beads... all that blue comes from light brown glass and iris gold that's been encased.

Andrea Guarino-Slemmons is a master at making moretti look like boro and teaches a class about it!


Kaleidoglass 2005-09-19 9:06am

Wow, those are beautiful!!!

Jude Rose 2005-09-22 3:13pm

Thanks for posting those awesome beads. They get me in the mood to torch instead of make dinner like I'm supposed to do!

Kaye 2005-09-22 4:19pm

2 Attachment(s)
There are probably actually a lot of ways that people stumble upon.

my most recent was a light transparent core...rolled in raku 00 size frit, then I layered a couple transparent dots, and me they have a boro look to them...I made one dinking around and ended up making a while set.

WhiskerWood 2005-09-22 4:48pm

The Double Helix glass can look like boro too!

torchbynight 2005-09-23 8:50am

Lynn, those are amazing. I'm going to try that! I love doing the rubino/silver thing, but that... wow. YUMMY.

blondewants2bead 2005-09-23 9:07am


I LOVE those beads! Those are some of my favorite colors :grin:

rightbrainbeads 2005-09-23 12:11pm

Amy! I'm so glad to see you here!! :waving:

Kaye, those are beautiful! I'd never have guessed R-108...

Nicole, I MUST get some of that Double Helix glass!! Gawd, I'm such a sucker for that wispy boro blue...

lynne :love:

Barbara 2005-09-27 8:32am

Thank you everyone....
wow! Thanks all, this is exactly what I was looking for. Especially Lyne's example. The beads are beautiful.

What a great forum.

I hope to learn to post on my own one of these days when I spend time on the computer instead of the torch.


Kaleidoglass 2005-09-27 9:58am


Originally Posted by Barbara
wow! Thanks all, this is exactly what I was looking for. Especially Lyne's example. The beads are beautiful.

What a great forum.

I hope to learn to post on my own one of these days when I spend time on the computer instead of the torch.


Hey Barbara, it's about time you showed up here. It's a great forum, lots of nice people here. Let me know if you need me to show you how to post. :waving: :waving:

Barbara 2005-09-30 10:19am

Hi Nancy,
HI Nancy,

I could use your help posting when you have time. Any time this weekend would be good, if I know ahead of time and you are free.......

I tried some of the rubino Silvered beads over a striking red base with transparent lavender encasings and over a med blue transparent. Both look great, but still not what I am looking for. I have ordered the Carnelian to try that as a base as Lynne described. I am hoping that will get me where I want to be. Either way, I have learned a lot from this forum.

Thanks again everyone.

Kaleidoglass 2005-09-30 10:25am

Hey Barbara,
Give me a call Saturday around 3pm or any time Sunday. Got stuff to tell you!!!

Anne Ricketts 2005-10-05 6:20am


Originally Posted by rightbrainbeads
Andrea Guarino-Slemmons is a master at making moretti look like boro and teaches a class about it!


Lynne those are gorgeous!! I'm taking Andrea's class in Dec and I can't wait!

Curly Irish Girl 2005-10-05 10:42am

So...where is the class?? Does she have a website with scheduled classes???? I GOTTA take one soon!!!!

Anne Ricketts 2005-10-05 10:44am

Lynn you'll have to come to TX if you want to take the class I'll be in! She is coming down the first weekend of Dec to teach at Blue Moon Glassworks.

SL Beads 2005-10-07 9:00am

Who knows where I can buy Carnelian and Raku frit?

cghipp 2005-10-07 9:06am


rightbrainbeads 2005-10-07 10:21am


Originally Posted by Anne Ricketts
Lynne those are gorgeous!! I'm taking Andrea's class in Dec and I can't wait!

Anne, damn, I wish you were coming here so I could meet you!!! No wait, let me give Andrea a call and see if I can bribe her into taking me along!!! :badgrin:

You're gonna love her class... the woman is a master with glass...

Lynn, here's a link to Andrea's website, and there's still one opening in the class at Blue Moon. :-)

:love: lynne

Anne Ricketts 2005-10-07 10:35am

Yeah Lynne! Tell her she needs you to be her TA!! LOL! Maybe I'll be able to make it up there to teach one day! \\:D/

SL Beads 2005-10-25 8:56am

Lynne, I tried your method and could not quite get your beautiful effect. I did not have brown and so used light amber to make a stringer. Did you use very fine frit or chuncky kind? Also, did you use reduction flame? I am not sure what was the difference. Any ideas? Thanks, Sachiko

cghipp 2005-10-25 9:07am

Sachiko -

I think you need the light brown or maybe straw yellow to get that particular reaction. (It's not just the general color scheme but some particular ingredient in the light brown.) Someone please correct me if I'm wrong!


rightbrainbeads 2005-10-25 5:47pm


Originally Posted by SL Bead
Lynne, I tried your method and could not quite get your beautiful effect. I did not have brown and so used light amber to make a stringer. Did you use very fine frit or chuncky kind? Also, did you use reduction flame? I am not sure what was the difference. Any ideas? Thanks, Sachiko

Hey Sachiko! :waving:

Yeah, it has to be light brown or straw yellow. And I've used everything from powder, to 0, to #1 when it comes to frit size. I don't reduce it-- just really cook it into the light brown glass before you pull the stringer.


SL Beads 2005-11-03 10:21am

Hi Lynn: Thanks for your advice. I finally created the effect similar to yours, not exactly, but close. You're right it had to be light brown. You reminded me how much beadmaking is about chemical reactions. Luckily I found the light brown rod in my stash, although I have no idea why I bought them. The striking yellow did not work well for me. Also my problem is dirty Mapp gas which turns carnelian sooty. So, I have to be content with the level of success I got so far. I feel I did my best. Now I have to move on to another obsession. Thanks again, Sachiko

Jamn! 2005-11-03 12:14pm


Class did I hear Class? lol

rightbrainbeads 2005-11-03 12:33pm


Originally Posted by SL Bead
Also my problem is dirty Mapp gas which turns carnelian sooty.


It looks really cool on striking red, ink blue and dark green... and... almost any dark transparent. Don't let carnelian stop you! I've been fooling around with it lately, trying different base glasses. One thing I've decided is that #1 frit works best-- the powder bubbles too easily.


SL Beads 2005-11-03 8:11pm

I am not sure about my talent, but I have tenacity. So, I guess I will stay a bit longer with this effect creation, especially if I don't have to use carnelian. Will let you know tomorrow about my progress. Thanks Lynne!! from Sachiko

rightbrainbeads 2005-11-04 12:17am

LOL, Sachiko! Tenacity is my middle name-- I'm counting on it to take me a long ways! :biggrin:

Here's a bad pic of a few beads that I made night before last. I was very tenacious ( :badgrin: ) and kept trying to make them with powdered iris gold. After about 8 beads I finally had to admit it was the powder that was causing the bubbling. By that time I was about shot, but I made a few more with #1 frit before turning off the torch.

The one on the far left in the top pic has a core of light teal with pale emerald green over that, and then the stringer. It's pretty cool in person. And the one next to it is striking red, which is one of my favs... the one on the far right has a base of light emerald green.

In the bottom pic, the two beads on the left both have a base of striking yellow (must have been the way I was sitting that caused the difference in the way they look ;-) ), and then another red one.

lynne :waving:

shawnette 2005-11-04 5:30am


Originally Posted by rightbrainbeads
LOL, Sachiko! Tenacity is my middle name-- I'm counting on it to take me a long ways! :biggrin:

Here's a bad pic of a few beads that I made night before last. I was very tenacious ( :badgrin: ) and kept trying to make them with powdered iris gold. After about 8 beads I finally had to admit it was the powder that was causing the bubbling. By that time I was about shot, but I made a few more with #1 frit before turning off the torch.

The one on the far left in the top pic has a core of light teal with pale emerald green over that, and then the stringer. It's pretty cool in person. And the one next to it is striking red, which is one of my favs... the one on the far right has a base of light emerald green.

In the bottom pic, the two beads on the left both have a base of striking yellow (must have been the way I was sitting that caused the difference in the way they look ;-) ), and then another red one.

lynne :waving:

These are awesome! I can't wait to try this, but I don't have any 018. What number is Straw Yellow? Guess I'll have to make another trip to the glass store. Dang! I hate buying glass! :---)

rightbrainbeads 2005-11-04 11:50am

Hey Shawnette! Straw Yellow is 049.

Yeah, isn't buying glass a total drag? :^o :^o :^o

:love: lynne

Jamn! 2005-11-05 11:09am

Those beads are incredible!! I love the colors and swirls you are getting with the Iris Gold. Yum!
Why don't you try Boro? :)

DawnT 2005-11-05 12:04pm

Lynne - those are awesome! I'm patiently waiting to get more Iris Gold in the mail so I can keep playing. I'm not quite getting your reactions either but I love the look so much I won't give up either!

Holly 2005-11-05 2:05pm

Those are just so beautiful.


lunamoonshadow 2005-11-12 6:27pm

Question--does "faux boro" hold it's color better in different light vs. "real boro"??
I'm asking from a designer point of "issue" with boro is the color change when a customer gets a piece of jewelry home & it suddenly doesn't "look the same color" :D I'm thinking these beads likely DON'T have that "feature", huh?
More of a "what you see is what they STAY" kinda thing? ;)

rightbrainbeads 2005-11-12 7:41pm

Hey Heidi, Dawn and Holly! I didn't even know you guys had posted here! Thank you!

Heidi, I have to figure out a way to keep the two kinds of glass separate in my small studio... once I do that I think I'll take the plunge. I have a Barracuda and an Integra 10, so I've got the tools... :-D

Lunamoonshadow, the faux boro isn't elusive like real boro. It looks the same to me no matter where I look at it-- there's no color change that I can discern between outdoor and indoor lighting.

Here are some new ones-- varying the base glass and the encasing style makes a huge difference in the final look...

lynne (lol, have I hogged this thread OR WHAT?! 8-[ )

DawnT 2005-11-12 8:10pm

Lynne can you come to my house and teach me to do that? PLEEEEEAAAASE!!! :-D Colorado is pretty right now and we haven't even had snow yet!

lunamoonshadow 2005-11-12 8:15pm

Those blue ones are GORGEOUS!!! (I really like the look of boro--the colorshift just bugs the heck out of me!)

torchbynight 2005-11-12 11:10pm

The ones I've been making have a bit of a color shift to them- they're darker indoors, but they have a great purple/blue halo when they're taken outside. But they do have MUCH more color under regular light than some boro beads I've seen.

Making a great pink color with this is easy, too- rubino cracks when I've used it.. bah! But... an orange base makes a berry pink that's unbelievable! Like Lynne showed up there, yellow is just awesome, too. Emerald green is GREAT, too!

IF-Designs 2005-11-14 6:16am

These are fantastic! And being a boro girl I have to say some of these I would never KNOW they were NOT boro! wow! gotta keep this in my gotta try it folder!

Jude Rose 2006-01-31 11:00am

I've been playing with the concepts in this thread for awhile and wanted to post some results:

torchbynight 2006-01-31 11:04am

Ah, Jude! That bottom one, I ogled in the show and tell. I wondered if that was the brown/gold technique or if you got your gorgeous raku mojo out for that one. These are spectacular!

cghipp 2006-01-31 11:31am

Gorgeous beads!


DreamMuse 2006-02-01 7:19am

Wow, Jude!! Those are amazing!!!

lripster 2006-02-01 9:15am

Jude, I've been drooling over the colors you're getting lately! Just gorgeous!

Heather/Ericaceae 2006-03-10 12:24pm

2 Attachment(s)
Hi! I just wanted to thank the people on this thread! I ordered 018 brown a few weeks ago and over the past week or so I've been playing with 018 stringer coated in riechenbach iris gold frit. It works! It's hard to photograph but I love gazing into them in real life. The first pic is Nike Green encased in emerald green, with the faux boro stringer, encased + clear bumbs and matching spacers. The second one is my favorite so far - dark purple transparent with cobalt, a little silvered rubino stringe, fo-bo stringer, clear encasing + clear wrap. I can't wait to see what else can be done with this reaction! -Heather

Leanne 2006-05-06 9:57pm

wow I am about to go and light my torch, am I going to play with my stash of northstar NO! I am going to go and try this instead it is BETTER than the colours I have been getting from boro. but then I am a boro beginner!

Lara 2006-05-07 3:02pm

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I don't know how I missed this thread for so long. Jude your beads are amazing. Wonderful colors.

I tried my hand at this and got OK colors. I'm wishing for more blues and purples.

TheBriarePatch 2006-05-07 8:46pm

I just took my first "pretend" boro beads out of the kiln - HOW AWESOME!!! for the tutorial!!!

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