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Old 2007-08-12, 9:35am
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Lorraine Chandler Lorraine Chandler is offline
Salt Box Beads
Join Date: Oct 23, 2005
Location: Heading to Paradise
Posts: 4,161

I thought I would keep my cell phone handy in case I had a call...ummm, bad idea. I wear a half face respirator and a full face shield when torching.

I am merrily torching away when the phone rang so I transferred the rod to my left hand and flipped the phone to get my call and tried to stick it up under my face shield to my ear..

WHAT A FIASCO!! When I pushed the phone up to my ear I
knocked the face shield halfway off my head so I was trying to staighten it up as it was painfully crooked on my head with my only free hand which had the cell phone in it.

I then knocked my flip phone closed and lost the call so I then put it back on the counter and got my face shield back into place and when I returned my gaze back to my mandrel it was pointing southeast and my bead was drooping and twisted and all knarly!!!

NO more trying to answer the phone while torching.
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