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Old 2021-12-15, 8:17am
rcktscientist rcktscientist is offline
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Join Date: Jun 19, 2021
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The warm up cycle should be the exact reverse of your annealing cycle.
So, fast ramp up to around 950, maybe 920 to be safe (950 is strain point of boro)
Then, slow ramp up to 1050 (through the annealing range)
Finally, pull out of kiln and warm up in a bushy, cool flame until glowing.
After that, treat it as a freshly made pendant and modify to your heart's content followed by proper annealing.

I just did this last night with a 1.5" diameter round pendant, about 1/2" thick.
Never had an issue with this approach since it's science-based. Bandhu Dunham has a great section on annealing in one of his books. Helps to fully understand what the glass is experiencing.

Good luck!
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