Thread: Flaming flies?
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Old 2015-11-29, 7:44pm
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Khaleesi Dane Khaleesi Dane is offline
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Default Flaming flies?

Ok, got a strange, and possibly gross safety question.... Sorry.

I was being invaded by mice, squirrels, etc. had to do something, they were having nightly mouse wrestling parties in the pixie dust, and knocking over everything! So.. I set out poison... Now, I have a gross smell, and a bumper crop of huge fat flies...

They keep buzzing around my work space, across my line of sight... It's just a matter of time til one of them flies into my flame!! What is going to happen?
Am I going to have big flaming kamikaze flies crashing around? Do they disintegrate, or pose a real issue?

These are the really big fat flies, not your average house fly.... Am I just being paranoid?
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