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Old 2011-10-17, 2:56pm
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Sue in Maine Sue in Maine is offline
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Originally Posted by PKnowler View Post
Awe, can you do a tutorial on how you make the black and white beads? Those are gorgeous!

Thanks for sharing the tip on how to make beads the same size. I'll have to try it.

~Thanks, Paula
They're actually purple. The purple is a medium transparent purple over opaque periwinkle. The dots are white and it's just one half twist between dots. Then heat 2 dots down... you don't want to move from dot to dot next door as the bead gets too hot in that area so move two dots down. Keep repeating the spot heat between two dots, poke with a thick transparent purple stringer and twist, pulling the white into the twist. I use a stringer that matches the outside color so if I can let the stringer cool and break it off. Sometimes I use the clean end of a mandrel to twist but you have to be sure not to get the spot heated area too hot or the mandrel sticks.

I'm sure these directions are clear as mud... I am so brain dead from work today.

Sue Walsh
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