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Old 2005-11-29, 3:26pm
CarolinaDreamDesigns CarolinaDreamDesigns is offline
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Join Date: Aug 09, 2005
Location: Apex, NC
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OK with my soft glass, I've been garaging at 968 while I work - holding at that temperature for an hour at the end and then ramping down at 100 degrees per hour to 100 degrees then turn off. I leave it all day while I work sometimes - maybe even 12 hours?

I was planning to try flame striking my boro and then garaging at 1050 for however long I work - then basically do the hold and drop ramp the same way. Will that temperature muddy up my colors - presuming I get any - if they sit all day before starting the ramp down? What schedule should I be using? Can you start with boro - anneal at those temps and then bring down to soft glass and anneal all together before ramping down?

Geez - I thought I had my head straight on this!

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