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Old 2014-04-30, 4:05pm
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steiconi steiconi is offline
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Join Date: Dec 24, 2011
Location: Big Island of Hawaii
Posts: 245

OK, just one more thing...
How does your relative relate to her/his minis?
for instance, some miniaturists just love anything tiny or clever
some play with and rearrange them over and over, so they need to be sturdy
and some (the best ones, of course, like me) want items that are realistic scale versions of full size items, so if you take a picture, you can't tell if it's 3 feet or 3 inches tall.

If your relative is in the third category, she might admire a glass chair, but she'll probably never use it.
As my old costume teacher used to say, "Poor taste costs no less."
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