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Old 2006-03-15, 2:04pm
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Karen Hardy Karen Hardy is offline
Know-it-all Megalomaniac
Join Date: Oct 22, 2005
Location: Californication
Posts: 6,282

Problem is, all the studios use a HH or a minor and are worried about teaching boro on it. Personally, I do boro on a minor with a concentrator, so I'm not too worried myself. I'm working on setting up a basic boro class for another teacher at the local lampwork shop (hi Donna, if you're lurking around here!). If the class goes well, I'd do handstands to get you to do another boro class.

I'm hoping to do the class before November, so if you're serious about wanting to come out here and teach, PM me after that and I'll be thrilled to get something off the ground for you here.

Karen Hardy

Originally Posted by Mr. Smiley
Karen... I am so glad you like it and thanks for the support. My pictures kinda suck compared to the real thing huh... I'd rather it be that way. then you are pleasantly surprised... Set something up for me to teach at. I have a torch and will travel. What teaching studios are out there? i don't push puppies off, I snuggle with 'em.

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