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Old 2015-02-07, 12:51pm
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emkay emkay is offline
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Join Date: Oct 28, 2010
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 184
Default Tutorial Recovery Etiquette?

So I used to have some tutorials in a nice little folder in my Documents - I was good about saving it when I switched computers, but it didn't make the last hard drive crash. You'd think I could recover them from emails, but no - I've got some Etsy receipts, some vague conversations eluding to the fact that I have purchased tutorials, but very few actual PDFs. I'm thinking that I had all important mail sent to my important email address...which, at the time, was a .edu address at the school I attended. Of course, upon graduation, I was cut off from the email address and all its contents.

I wasn't able to work with glass between then and now, so I only really remembered that I had tutorials after I pulled out my tools. If I'm able to find a receipt, is it ok to send a message to the tutorial creator explaining the situation and asking for a re-emailing of the tutorial? Also, what's your method for keeping a failsafe backup of PDFs that you have purchased? I'm thinking of putting them all in some cloud storage account, but knowing me, I'll forget the username and password after a day.
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