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Old 2013-06-23, 12:02am
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mewsicmama mewsicmama is offline
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Join Date: Jan 22, 2008
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I won an oxycon from him several years ago. Would you believe it is still safely stored as getting my studio set up has been fraught with difficulty. I am proud to say, however, that I now have a natural gas connection (actually two) that are completely run. THAT is a miracle!

I intend to empty out my metal tanker desk with return and use that for torching instead of the workbench I originally planned on. I am fairly short so even standing and torching if I want to it should be OK.

My sister gifted me with a beautiful oak computer desk and I will cut my current crap load and use it instead for computer work. Now that I no longer work outside my home there is probably a lot of stuff I can get rid of that I won't be using any more. Trying to get rid of the hoarding tendency, so may be posting some thing in the garage sale cheap if I think someone else can use it. Hate to throw away something good when someone else could possibly put it to use.

I am getting much closer than I ever thought I would to having a studio! Thank you Jack!