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Old 2011-01-04, 5:38pm
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Damselfly Damselfly is offline
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Originally Posted by bluffroadglass View Post
I didn't say it received less attention or that it isn't as good of a section. I said it was perceived to receive less attention. It's the perception, whether or not it's true, that is causing this problem.
I caught that sentence right before you posted, and I changed it to read, "I think that "the paid tutorials forum... receiving less attention" is a false assumption that many vendors make". Because you're right, it's all about perception.

But if it's a false assumption, then let's work on that assumption.

I can easily see vendors saying "Well, I posted in the wrong section, and I got ten more sales. So that must be what caused it." That's easily false too, because I know I have to save up money to buy, and I might buy after that thread went up, but it was in spite of that, not because of it.

Whatever the assumption, shouldn't we be trying to uphold the current set of very lenient rules in place? I would hope it's not going to break any person's business to refrain from posting in the main section.
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