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Old 2013-11-29, 9:33am
jcrawford jcrawford is offline
Join Date: Nov 28, 2013
Posts: 51

I like the layout for this site it is very easy on the eyes. I didn't get to see it before you changed the fonts and colors but currently it looks nice. The only suggestion I would have is to make the site's content area wider. Generally the target resolution is still 1024x768 I am not sure if that is what you designed for or not however your sites layout should change with the different resolution displays that are out there.

For instance this is what it looks like on my 23" Apple Cinema Display

As you can see it is very narrow with a lot of wasted space on the sides. You can also see that the content area does not appear to be centered on the page, this is probably due to your menu area to the left of the content area. I would suggest that you either personally learn more about responsive layouts or find a front-end developer who can make this layout responsive.

Responsive layouts will change how the layout looks based on the resolution of the display. Your site could look one way on a mobile phone, another on an iPad and entirely different on a desktop computer.

Don't take my critique to heart these are solely suggestions keeping in mind the direction that web development is taking to progress forward.
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