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Old 2018-10-22, 9:53pm
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hyperT hyperT is offline
Join Date: Jan 31, 2013
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Posts: 582
Default Pyrometer

You need to go to a ceramics store and get some ceramic cones, cone 022 should work. The people there can help you on how to set them up in your kiln.
Cones bend at a very specific temperature. You can then adjust your pyrometer to that setting. There should be a screw on it to adjust the dial on the pyromter to that temperature.
You can also look up, "How to adjust a Pyrometer"

Annealing Point, Bending Point, Melting Point as you can see the Bending and Melting Points are much higher than the Annealing Point.
Typical Soft Glass Annealing Point is 950. Bending Point is around 1300 Melting is above 1500. Looks like yours is reading off about 400 hundred degrees.
Don't take it up so high til you can fix it. They are somewhat delicate instruments, maybe it took a bump in transportation.

Have fun, Wayne

Last edited by hyperT; 2018-10-22 at 10:10pm.
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