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Old 2020-01-18, 7:05am
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Speedslug Speedslug is offline
Join Date: Mar 21, 2009
Location: Winnebago, MN
Posts: 2,489

The hardware stores do have two gas setups with one or two pound oxygen and fuel tanks as well as a pretty small hand torch that could work for what I think you are talking about but you would probably want to use a hot head ( or two ) to pre-heat the the area you are going to work on with the 2 gas torch as it might take some time to get it up to temp and those small tanks might well run dry before you get to the temp to begin work.

The posting of pictures and links might have to wait until you have made a particular number of posts before the system will allow it.

It is a pretty old software that this site runs on and there was a great deal of 'run-a-muck' fools back in the day that would jump into a forum and just cause all kinds of havoc by posting links to porn sites or advertiser click bait sites not to mention the bots and viruses that self-replicate and spread like fire on the internet.

We still get one or two that slip through and post links to some sports event or other now and then.

There is always the old fashioned way of telling people a web site address by putting a space between each letter ( i.e. w w w dot y o u r w e b s i t e h e r e dot c o m ).
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