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Old 2013-06-03, 2:37pm
khan khan is offline
Join Date: Jan 12, 2012
Posts: 79

I can see how you could manage to do small vessels with a Barracuda or Bullet but i think you need a wider flame to get a good even heat on larger stuff... thats why the CC+ is a little bit better than just the CC. But there are SOOO many factors in getting the heat even... i mean even if you do get even heat it doesnt mean your bubble is going to come out even.
How fast you blow,,,, how fast you spin,,,, how straight your holding the 2 sides when you blow,,,, if your glass was uniform thickness,,, if your point or blow tube is on center,,, are all important to getting it right.
Its my opinion that you probably need to make about 100 bubbles before you will be confident of doing right most of the time.
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