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Old 2005-06-27, 6:19am
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MikeAurelius MikeAurelius is offline
Join Date: Jun 10, 2005
Location: Sauk Rapids, Minnesota
Posts: 2,401

Your tank can be placed in one of those rubbermaid outdoor storage containers - they are typically used for lawn furniture. Mine is fairly low to the ground, but can hold up to 4 20# cannisters.

As far as the rubber T grade hoses, they will start degrading almost immediately. Does this mean that they are unsafe? No. What you will see at first is a color change as the red color starts to fade. The hose will then start to become slightly stiff, then brittle and small cracks will start to form.

My local fire inspector pitched a hissy fit when he saw the rubber hose - according to code, all outdoor connections to fuel gas are to be via metal piping, and only inside can rubber be used.

Now, if you are doing the 'through the window/door' method of tank attachement, stay with the rubber hose. My personal opinion would be to change out the rubber hose every year.
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