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Old 2011-12-04, 6:33pm
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Pia Kaven Pia Kaven is offline
Join Date: Jun 05, 2010
Location: Dallas, TX.
Posts: 4,358

I had this problem with one bead that I forgot for too long into Etchall... for several hours... might have been over night too. It seemed I was able to scrub off all the white stuff with toothbrush, and soaking in water and BS, but after day or so, I was able to see it again. Finally leaving them over night to soak in BS water solution and scrubbing my fingers bloody I thought I got them clean, but after while you notice the scum come back again. Luckily it is right next to white raised dots, so it is more difficult to see. But I think it is not necessarily the color itself that causes it, I think it is the texture... But why, I cant say. But then again... even when there is not so much texture either, I can see it in places where the color changes... so go figure. It is not consistant, so I am really puzzled.
Maybe it is the white that I have the problems with, cause I have it on the white dots, and also on the edge of the murrinis, which are probably on the white base... Hmmmm.
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