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Old 2013-08-14, 8:05pm
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Mountain Snail Mountain Snail is offline
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Talking Arrowspring's new tungsten mandrels

I just came in from a day of torching without bead release!

Here are my tips on how to get to know these knew mandrels in no specific order.

*Your first several beads should be clear so you can see exactly how you work the glow to get them off the mandrel.

*You have to get tungsten hot for the glass to stick.

*In order to unstick it, you are going to heat the mandrel right at the sides of your bead and pop it off. You can do this with a punty or a marble grabber. I preferred my marble grabber. If you punty, you can still heat of any punty spots with the bead loose on the mandrel. If you do some clear beads you will see that you have to get that orange glow to travel up the mandrel from both sides before your bead will come loose.

*If I can do this anyone can do this.
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