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Old 2016-04-04, 12:23pm
LarryC LarryC is offline
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Originally Posted by SGA View Post

I don't think I'd anneal in a pile. I'd anneal in a single layer. And if you're a responsible seller, please disclose HOW you anneal. Because with the exception of certain applications, batch annealing isn't much better than knock off Chinese glass beads. If you're not selling, it's fine. Otherwise, disclose the fact.

Edit to add: boro would be one of those exceptions. . But do disclose batch annealing for soft glass.
Thats just simply not true. It is possible to batch anneal and end up with a fully de stressed bead. Its true that by NOT annealing up front, you will generally end up with a bead that is quite stressy initially but assuming you anneal for long enough to reduce that stress to an acceptable level, it can be equivalent to something annealed right after its made before it cools. A stressy object will take longer to properly anneal though. How long? You will have to experiment and test to determine that.
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