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The Dark Room -- Photo Editing and Picture Taking. Advice, tutorials, questions on all things photoshop, photo editing, and taking pictures of beads or glass.

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Old 2024-10-09, 8:12pm
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Default Macro Lens

I recently ordered a lens for clipping on to a smart phone, taking macro photos is something I am in desperate need of for making miniature marbles, have any of you guys tried these clip on lenses before, it so was it worth the money?

Any other tips for taking macro photos would be greatly appreciated, I've had the worst luck since I switched from my Sony Handi-cam to the camera on my phone, it takes great photos usually, but up close the lighting is almost impossible and the focus is a crap shoot. I'd keep using the handi-cam but it doesn't have the resolution that a lot of seller sites seem to require now.
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Old 2024-10-10, 7:58am
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I use an application that has a macro on it for my beads. Though I would like to one of those lenses they seem to have mixed reviews.
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Last edited by beadmama; 2024-10-10 at 7:58am. Reason: Spelling
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Old 2024-10-10, 7:57pm
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I'll definitely let you know if it's worth a hoot or not when I get mine. I hadn't considered using an app for macro, didn't think it would make much of a difference though. I guess it can sharpen the image and zoom in and the like? I've always wanted to get a high end camera with a good macro lens, but then again I've always wanted a Ferrari LOL
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Old 2024-10-10, 8:21pm
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Originally Posted by jesnbec73 View Post
I'll definitely let you know if it's worth a hoot or not when I get mine. I hadn't considered using an app for macro, didn't think it would make much of a difference though. I guess it can sharpen the image and zoom in and the like? I've always wanted to get a high end camera with a good macro lens, but then again I've always wanted a Ferrari LOL
Well, I have a fancy camera or two with macro lenses, and I really don’t love them for beads. I like my shots to show what the bead will look like in person, rather than an up close macro. I like the macro for flora and bugs, etc, but not beads. My phone does a decent job, but I struggle with reflections. I can’t stand to see reflections.
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Old 2024-10-11, 12:03am
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Good lighting is half the struggle. At the moment I am back to using a light box with some LED lighting and some floor lamps pointed in all the right directions. It cuts down on the reflections and evens out the background although all my photos still tend to be dark and need editing. Boo. It's probably my white settings on my Rebel (t7) so one of these days I should find the manual and figure it out. I've taken photos on my cool Shark phone, but the lighting is eh and the focus is sometimes a bit off. I guess we all fiddle with something but figure out a space for the best lighting and go from there.
Kristin ~

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Old 2024-10-11, 7:57am
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Originally Posted by KJohn View Post
Good lighting is half the struggle. At the moment I am back to using a light box with some LED lighting and some floor lamps pointed in all the right directions. It cuts down on the reflections and evens out the background although all my photos still tend to be dark and need editing. Boo. It's probably my white settings on my Rebel (t7) so one of these days I should find the manual and figure it out. I've taken photos on my cool Shark phone, but the lighting is eh and the focus is sometimes a bit off. I guess we all fiddle with something but figure out a space for the best lighting and go from there.
I remember seeing a tip on some glass forum way back when about putting marbles and beads in water to photograph them. It's been close to twenty years ago when digital cameras were still pretty terrible, but it worked fairly well for cutting down on the reflections, but played hell with the auto-focus and had to be adjusted maually. At one point I had a light box made from an old styrofoam cooler, that thing worked a treat until I stumbled across it, literally. I probably should make another one of those.

Unfortunately with making miniatures, macro photography is going to be a necessary evil. I tried photographing through a magnifying glass and for some reason which I can't wrap my brain around, the lens of the camera doesn't pick up the magnification at all, it literally just peers right through it.

These are about 2mm in diameter and I need to be able to get a decent photo of a couple of them individually and the regular lens on my camera just can't seem to get it.
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