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2012-07-06, 9:57pm
Bead semi-newbie
Join Date: Jul 29, 2010
Location: northern Sierra's in CA, Plumas County
Posts: 344
glass storage in front of windows
just figuring out my new 20'x10' (just under permit requirements here, yay) studio and i have 5 nice sized windows that are above the bench level. i want to store my 104 and a bit of boro glass in front of the windows so that i can see the true color. has anyone ever done this and how did you do it? a friend brought up the problem of opening the windows, they go sideways, and yes i do want to be able to open my windows. got any ideas? thanks
Sara Conklin, newbie since June 2010
Carlisle minor, hot head and Lynx
104, 90, 96 and boro
LOVE silver glass

2012-07-07, 6:56am
Senior Member
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maybe look into getting one of those vinyl (transparent too) hanging rack of pockets...i think they're made to hang on a door (closets) but could be made to attach to a curtain rod or something.
i forget which thread and which LE member, but someone did something like that recently i saw.
now i've got a Mirage To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

2012-07-07, 6:56am
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now i've got a Mirage To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

2012-07-07, 7:33am
Mr Brutus RIP
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what about using the pvc downspouts, the light would still come in I would think and if you built a wooden frame around it and didn't go all the way up to the window.........OH or you could build a small frame inside that you could reach into and open the window.....like an empty rectangle in the center.......just a thought
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2012-07-07, 3:05pm
Bead semi-newbie
Join Date: Jul 29, 2010
Location: northern Sierra's in CA, Plumas County
Posts: 344
i was hoping, and still hope, somebody has a nifty photo of their solution and thanks to you two for thinking outside the box for me.
i saw the 4th post in the thread but i don't want to totally cover the windows.
Thanks for the down spouts, i already have them sitting flat on my desk now with glass but they are white and about the size of a rod so putting them vertically won't work unless i cut the buggers in half. hummmm if i cut them down and put them vertically on a windowsill i will have to add........i have so many windows that that might work. i will post my solution but would still like to get more ideas from the brain trust. thanks
Sara Conklin, newbie since June 2010
Carlisle minor, hot head and Lynx
104, 90, 96 and boro
LOVE silver glass

2012-07-07, 3:30pm
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My windows that open sideways have a latch that can be positioned anywhere along the vertical side. Perhaps if yours does that, you could position the latch at the very bottom (or very top if in reach) and then don't build your shelving all the way to the sill. Leave yourself enough room to unlatch and slide open.
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All my children have paws To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. Proud Member of "YOU PEOPLE" 9.13.11 To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

2012-07-08, 9:32am
Bead semi-newbie
Join Date: Jul 29, 2010
Location: northern Sierra's in CA, Plumas County
Posts: 344
hadn't thought of that aspect, just thinking of opening and closing. can't wait for the drywall to go up so i can begin to actually envision and measure. thanks. instead of recutting 15 downspouts (which they did originally at the hardware store for me ) the local dollar store has cylinder glass vases that i have some stuff in already......gee this is fun.
Sara Conklin, newbie since June 2010
Carlisle minor, hot head and Lynx
104, 90, 96 and boro
LOVE silver glass

2012-07-08, 11:03am
Chief Creative Goddess
Join Date: Feb 19, 2011
Location: Reno Nevada
Posts: 719
Hey you're in town! I need to come say hi and we can brain bust together!!
Glass beads make you smile! See? You just did!!
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2012-07-08, 12:30pm
Salt Box Beads
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Hi Sara, you could build a large elongated open top wood box about 16" tall" X 24' deep x 48" long. Then build a wood cart with wheels to set it on the height you want.
Set the box or attach it to the rolling wood cart.
Then install wood cubbies or PVC cubbies so the glass stands upright in the box.
You can easily see every color in the sunlight, you can move the cart around at will, easily open and close the windows and not have much if any of the window blocked.
It would hold a ton of glass.

2012-07-08, 12:40pm
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I'm with Lorraine on this one - with one little addition. Harbor Freight has a dolly with wheels already made for you, that will hold up to 1,000 pounds. I think the cheapest is $9.99? http://www.harborfreight.com/movers-dolly-93888.html Two other dollies are made of hard plastic and they can hold more weight and are a bit more expensive than the wooden one.
You could get the clear plastic shoe boxes, and stack them one on top of another with the dolly underneath so that you could always switch them around.
Ikea might also have a boxed cube storage that you could put on top of the dolly.
Let us know what you come up with!
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2012-07-08, 2:12pm
Bead semi-newbie
Join Date: Jul 29, 2010
Location: northern Sierra's in CA, Plumas County
Posts: 344
Sadie May: PLEASE COME SEE ME, i am sooooo lonely as the only lampworker in Plumas County CA. i talk to myself but don't learn anything. if you come over, we can then go swimming when we melt, it is in the mid 90s today, i'll cook later. phone: 530-836-1762
Sara Conklin, newbie since June 2010
Carlisle minor, hot head and Lynx
104, 90, 96 and boro
LOVE silver glass

2012-07-08, 4:44pm
hi ho hi ho its off to ..
Join Date: Oct 27, 2007
Location: Odessa, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 289
heres my solution, excuse the messy bench please.
I use piping for built in vacuum cleaners its 2" diameter and costs $4.00 for a ten foot length I cut it to 11" lengths ( I like the rods sticking out a little for easy picking)
To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. People who call me weird think I should take it personally. if you really want to upset me you should call me normal !!!
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2012-07-08, 4:54pm
Chief Creative Goddess
Join Date: Feb 19, 2011
Location: Reno Nevada
Posts: 719
Oooooooooh, swooning over color!
Wow, that really helps see the color of each glass!
Mine is in a big metal file cabinet, on the top shelf so I can leave the door open, but can't see it too well.....
Glass beads make you smile! See? You just did!!
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2012-07-08, 4:56pm
Chief Creative Goddess
Join Date: Feb 19, 2011
Location: Reno Nevada
Posts: 719
yeah, gotta love it when the transparents glow like that!
And youbetcha, Sara, I'm coming to visit!
Might have to be after the Gathering--time is getting short around here, but I'm NOT missing YOU this year!!!!!!
Glass beads make you smile! See? You just did!!
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2012-07-09, 9:14am
Bead semi-newbie
Join Date: Jul 29, 2010
Location: northern Sierra's in CA, Plumas County
Posts: 344
sounds like a plan, see you after the gathering. i have a studio rather than going to the gathering. hope they swap east and west coast every other year.
The light through the glass is the effect i was looking for, great. thanks
Sara Conklin, newbie since June 2010
Carlisle minor, hot head and Lynx
104, 90, 96 and boro
LOVE silver glass

2012-07-11, 8:40am
Join Date: Jul 07, 2007
Location: Knoxville
Posts: 263
How is that working out for you to have your torch in front of the window? I am building a studio and my torch is going to be in front of a window.
But, when I have gone out to torch on my hot head, with the scenery from the sky, trees, etc. I can't see my flame. So, I temporaily put up an aluminum cookie sheet up and that helps.
Just wondering if the background scenery is preventing you from seeing your flame.
It looks like from pictures that I have seen, that most people torch facing a wall.
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2012-07-11, 9:08am
Bead semi-newbie
Join Date: Jul 29, 2010
Location: northern Sierra's in CA, Plumas County
Posts: 344
i haven't set up yet, my DH is a perfectionist and so i hope i live to see the dry wall go up. I got the "can't see the flame" thing when i do outdoor demos and know that's bad. 2 of my windows face the no-sun-coming-in side of the building but thanks for the reminder. before piping in the gas, i will check to make sure I can see my flame and i also have wall space -- if that's a problem. you'd think getting me out of "his" garage would hurry him up.............
Sara Conklin, newbie since June 2010
Carlisle minor, hot head and Lynx
104, 90, 96 and boro
LOVE silver glass

2012-07-13, 10:24am
Formerly Fancypants
Join Date: Oct 31, 2005
Location: Pittsburgh,PA
Posts: 276
I am still adding all my glass and rods in my studio (office trailer at one time) and I will be torching where there are windows completely behind my torch area, I used an old message board, made of cork, it's about 2 1/2ft by 3ft. covered it with flashing and painted it black.
When I have everything put in it's place, I will post pictures.
Diane To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

2012-07-13, 10:52am
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Ooh Mark, what a great place to work!
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2012-07-13, 1:27pm
hi ho hi ho its off to ..
Join Date: Oct 27, 2007
Location: Odessa, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 289
The windows you see in the photos are north facing so the sun is not a big problem except late in the afternoon .... when the kilns are just about full any way .... the view can be distracting at times but when I get distracted that easily I should be doing something else anyway
To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. People who call me weird think I should take it personally. if you really want to upset me you should call me normal !!!
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2012-07-22, 5:57pm
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this is what my DH built for me. it is on wheels and sits in front of a sliding glass door ( you can see the curtain behind it). I move it to my torch area when I am torching and wheel it out of the way when not torching.
Autumn To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
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2012-07-22, 6:50pm
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Oh Autumn that's fantastic! Did your husband use an old dresser? That looks so awesome and love the fact it's on rollers.
My Ebay To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

2012-07-22, 10:47pm
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No he did not use an old dresser, it is built from scratch.
Autumn To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
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2014-10-18, 12:46pm
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Autum, the material your husband used for the storage cubes, what is it please? I've seen that somewhere before and for the life of me I just can't remember where I saw it or what it is. Thanks!
Linda Brown of
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Houston, TX

2014-10-18, 12:53pm
Join Date: Oct 23, 2005
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I saw 2 very nice wooden media cabinets yesterday at our local "foundary" which is similar to a good will store. The were both about 7' tall & had removable shelves. I'm thinking something like that would be nice to stick pvc pipe or similar storage things in to. They're build sturdy & people are moving away from them to get the wall mounted TV's.
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2014-10-18, 7:50pm
Bead semi-newbie
Join Date: Jul 29, 2010
Location: northern Sierra's in CA, Plumas County
Posts: 344
a note from an earthquake country resident..........i would screw any cabinet of any height to the wall. it would be like pick up sticks to clean up if a tall cabinet fell over. oh, the humanity.
Sara Conklin, newbie since June 2010
Carlisle minor, hot head and Lynx
104, 90, 96 and boro
LOVE silver glass

2014-10-18, 8:01pm
Bead semi-newbie
Join Date: Jul 29, 2010
Location: northern Sierra's in CA, Plumas County
Posts: 344
glass jars of rods in window
in reviewing this thread, i never did post any photos of the finished effect of the jars of glass rods in the windows. love it. damn, i reduced the pixels so much you can't see the photo very clearly, too tired to fix, you get the idea.
Sara Conklin, newbie since June 2010
Carlisle minor, hot head and Lynx
104, 90, 96 and boro
LOVE silver glass
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