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2012-08-03, 10:26am
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Wesley Fleming - Soft Glass Sculpture, Sharon NH
Have you been wanting to learn how to sculpt soft glass, to maintain better heat control of your glass, to make delicately intricate forms, and make fun and quick animal sculptures?
I'm teaching at Sharon Arts Center in New Hampshire next month and the workshop is a STEAL! Two days for $240 - where else can you take a two-day workshop for that price?!?
Wesley Fleming - "Off-Mandrel" Soft Glass Sculpture
Sharon Arts Center in Sharon, New Hampshire
Saturday and Sunday, September 22 and 23, 10am-4pm.
Tuition: $240, Member Rate: $200.
Link: http://www.sharonarts.org/master-classes-summer-2012
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2012-08-03, 3:33pm
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Florida, think Florida.. I would be tickled to take the class. I am a newbie, but I work hard.
Life without art would be BORING!

2012-08-03, 6:01pm
Glassss... Wooood... Yum
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How much experience do we need? I am very interested, but a little afraid.

2012-08-04, 6:48am
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Cherri - If you can recommend a good teaching venue in Florida, I'd be happy to contact them to see if they're interested in hosting me for a workshop!
Pam - It looks like you've been here on LE for over a year, so can I assume that's how long you've been flameworking? If so, that should be fine. You mainly need to be comfortable melting soft glass (Effetre/Moretti is what I teach with) and have a general understanding of flameworking.
I've taught a number of people who have had not much more than 24 hours' time on the torch and they picked things up pretty well. This class will help you become more confident the glass
Please let me know if you have any more questions!
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2012-08-04, 8:08am
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I'm just afraid to make bugs LOL!
You are the first on my list of classes I would love to take.
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2012-08-04, 4:44pm
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Cynthia, I bet you'd make some crazy-looking, bug-eyed bugs
California is on my list of places to teach someday soon. Haven't lined anything up yet, but I'm open to it!
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2012-08-04, 6:03pm
Critter Mom
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I want...I want...I want ! Now look what ya made me do...I'm channeling Bill Murray's character in What About Bob
If ever you make it to the Eugene Glass School I'll be first on the list ! I might even drive down to California (hate the traffic down there) for such an opportunity.
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2012-08-04, 9:31pm
grama punky - class junky
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come up north where its cooler...minneapolis would b great!
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2012-08-05, 12:04pm
Queen Bee
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Wesley, my husband and I were in Northampton MA strolling through the various art galleries - I was so delighted to see some of your work in one of them!
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To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. Vintage & Contemporary Beads, Findings, Chains, Trinity Brass, Vintaj, Bead Tubing, Bobbins
To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. Handmade Artist Lampwork Jewelry

2012-08-05, 2:38pm
I speak Murrini!
Join Date: Oct 12, 2006
Location: In a Glass House, CA
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OMG, I'm GREEN with jealousy!
And if you ever get the chance to come to CA to teach, you know me and Cynthia are gonna be right there...in the front row!
I've got a murrini for that,'ya know! To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
"Only a fool rushes to his own demise..." ~Zorro

2012-08-05, 2:40pm
I speak Murrini!
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Location: In a Glass House, CA
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ETA: Well, I see Bonnie will be right there with us too!
I've got a murrini for that,'ya know! To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
"Only a fool rushes to his own demise..." ~Zorro

2012-08-06, 5:55pm
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Originally Posted by theglasszone
OMG, I'm GREEN with jealousy!
And if you ever get the chance to come to CA to teach, you know me and Cynthia are gonna be right there...in the front row!
Ummm you'll have to save a spot for me in the front row too

2012-08-06, 9:52pm
I speak Murrini!
Join Date: Oct 12, 2006
Location: In a Glass House, CA
Posts: 9,170
Tee hee hee...I think that's all there would be - one LONG front row with all of us!
I've got a murrini for that,'ya know! To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
"Only a fool rushes to his own demise..." ~Zorro

2012-08-06, 11:55pm
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Please don't forget TX! Wow, you've taught people with only 24hrs of torch time! That's amazing. I absolutly love your work and am always in awe when I view photos of your work.

2012-08-07, 7:39am
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Donna - I'm glad you got to enjoy my work at Don Muller Gallery
Ginger - October! I'm teaching at Dream Fire Glass in San Antonio, Texas on October 27-28. However, I think the class has been wait-listed for a while! That said, I'm doing a demonstration on that Friday evening the 26th, for the local bead group - maybe if you're really nice to them, they'll let you in?
California peeps - Mention me to your local teaching studio  That really helps to get classes lined up! It sounds like there are at least a few of you that would be definites and studios like to know that they'll fill a class...
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2012-08-07, 9:57am
Critter Mom
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Location: Coquille, Oregon
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Okay, posted my request on the EGS facebook page.
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2012-08-22, 5:07pm
Bad Cat Glass
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North Carolina! PLEASE! We have beaches, we have mountains, and we have lots of glassy folks. But if you make it to FL -- maybe Roccio's? -- it would certainly be worth the drive.
Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed. Let's start with the "A's," shall we?

2012-08-25, 2:28pm
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Location: Cincinnati, OH
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Wow, only $240? A steal! I wish you would come around here, I'd be jumping at the bit!
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2012-08-30, 6:48am
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Shelley, you aren't kidding! I think the price is too low, but that's how they structure their prices, so no arguing.
Francesca, I'd love to teach somewhere further south(east.) Nothing is in the pipeline yet, though. I will be teaching in Texas this October, but that's certainly not southeast
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2012-09-12, 1:08pm
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Alrighty folks, registration ends soon on this ridiculously good deal of a class! Get while the gettin' is good, as nobody else charges this insanely low amount of money for a class - even other non-profits.
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2012-09-16, 9:55pm
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your class
First are there still opening? I'll call in the morning. Second, there is a nice studio in coca, Florida Rocio and Ron Bearer are the owners. I'd love to take your class. cathy in miami
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2012-09-17, 8:41am
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Originally Posted by dcaaw
First are there still opening? I'll call in the morning. Second, there is a nice studio in coca, Florida Rocio and Ron Bearer are the owners. I'd love to take your class. cathy in miami
Hi Cathy - yes, there are still openings. The class is definitely on, too. It'd be nice to have you
As for teaching in Florida, I am open to that possibility. I'm working on scheduling for next year right now, in fact.
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2012-09-17, 10:00am
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Originally Posted by Beast Master
Hi Cathy - yes, there are still openings. The class is definitely on, too. It'd be nice to have you
As for teaching in Florida, I am open to that possibility. I'm working on scheduling for next year right now, in fact.
ABR are good people.
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2012-09-17, 9:07pm
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I'm all set for your class this weekend. I'm flying up there. Do I need to bring anything? I'm so excited
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2012-09-18, 7:09am
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Originally Posted by dcaaw
I'm all set for your class this weekend. I'm flying up there. Do I need to bring anything? I'm so excited
Cathy, I'm glad you're excited!!!  I look forward to meeting you.
Please let me know if you have any more questions - I'm happy to answer them!
Here are the lists of tools and glass recommended for the class. Regarding the glass, basically just colors to work with for sculpting - transparents are usually a little stiffer and easier to learn off-mandrel with, if you're not used to it. But opaques are obviously nice for decoration.
- eye protection (didymium or equivalent)
- shears for cutting glass
- non-serrated tweezers
- shaping tool, like cheese knife or Stump-shaper
- graphite pad or paddle
- tungsten pick
optional tools:
- serrated tweezers
- bbq mashers
- clothespin (wooden with spring)
- rod rest for hot glass rods
- can for water, to put scrap glass in
- clean towel or rag, for cleaning glass rods
- assortment of 104 coe glass, including:
- black, 1/4 pound
- white, 1/4 pound
- clear, 1/4 pound
- range of opaques and transparents to experiment with (dark cobalt, green, and amber all make good colors for learning to sculpt with, as they are stiffer in the heat.)
- if you'd like to try experimenting with extra features, feel free to bring dichroic, goldstone, Double Helix glass, etc.
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2012-09-21, 3:44pm
I speak Murrini!
Join Date: Oct 12, 2006
Location: In a Glass House, CA
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I'll be thinking of you guys tomorrow...have a blast!
I've got a murrini for that,'ya know! To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
"Only a fool rushes to his own demise..." ~Zorro

2012-09-21, 7:23pm
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Location: Cincinnati, OH
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I'm so jealous, wish I were there!!!
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2012-09-24, 1:16pm
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Location: Miami, FL
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This class was amazing and very quaint. I still cant believe what Wesley can do with glass, the creepy legs of his insects are extremely detailed... Thank you again for such a great time. I'll make you proud by practicing.....
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2012-09-24, 4:03pm
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Wow! If I had only known! I'm so lucky to be close. I'll have to be on the lookout for your classes next year! Not sure when signups start for Snow Farm 2013, but that's a great place to take a class.
I'm having so much fun melting glass that I have actually started wearing jewelry! To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

2012-10-07, 3:15pm
Join Date: Aug 12, 2009
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If you ever come near Wisconsin I'm there!
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