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Old 2017-06-21, 7:01pm
jillyc jillyc is offline
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Default Oxycon Problem and Customer Service

This is a long story, so I apologize in advance. In December, 2015, I purchased an EX20 oxycon from Sundance. Even though I've heard many times that it couldn't support 2 torches, my hubby and I both ran our torches (Nortel Minors) simultaneously on it. It worked wonderfully until several weeks ago. Sundance told us to call Paul at Extreme Oxygen. After troubleshooting, he told my husband that he would send out a rebuild kit for my husband to install. In the meantime, I ordered another concentrator (same model) from ABR. So here we are 2 weeks after Extreme Oxygen said that the rebuild kit would be sent, and no rebuild kit. My husband has called both the business and Paul's cell phone, texted, and emailed. We are getting no response. In the mean time, the new concentrator isn't running correctly. I have a constant oscillating flame, and when I go to an oxidizing flame, it stays there for about 2 seconds then goes to a neutural flame on its own. It's almost like there isn't enough pressure coming out. Also, it sounds like there is an air leak internally. Because of this, I called ABR today. I don't recall the name of the person that I spoke with, but talk about unhelpful. Geez. He said that we would need to contact Extreme Oxygen about the problem. I explained to him that we HAVE been trying to contact them about the first concentrator with no response. What did this guy tell me? That ABR is aware of that problem (nobody returning calls) and that we were to just keep trying. He also said that they occasionally see Paul and will say something to him as well. I told this guy that was fine, but I purchased the defective 2nd machine from ABR, and that they should handle the problem. He didn't seem to care. So now I'm reading on the Better Business Bureau website that ABR has a negative review from someone else that purchased these concentrators and had issues. I'm at a loss as to what to do. I'm thinking of contacting my credit card company and telling them that I was sold a defective product and letting them deal with it, and reporting both to the Better Business Bureau.
I would appreciate any advice/thoughts/help that you can give.
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Old 2017-06-21, 7:56pm
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Paul can be slow but always comes through.

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Old 2017-06-22, 5:16am
jillyc jillyc is offline
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I would be ok with slow if the brand new machine was working properly.
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Old 2017-06-22, 8:10am
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I would charge back my credit card and let ABR come get it if they want it. You do not have to accept defective mechandise. You bought it from them. They have the money, and you have a piece of shit. Chargeback.
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Old 2017-06-22, 2:30pm
jillyc jillyc is offline
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Paul from Extreme Oxygen emailed my husband and told him that he'd call today. It's now 5:30 pm and STILL no phone call. I think you are right - chargeback on the credit card for the new one.
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Old 2017-06-22, 4:07pm
kansassky kansassky is offline
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I go with Kathy's approach. Chargeback.
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Old 2017-06-22, 6:15pm
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Sometimes you have to beat them with the only stick you have.

If they don't want to get beat with that stick then the second phone call should the most someone should have to deal with.

Good Luck.
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abr imagery, extreme oxygen, irritated, oxycon, oxygen concentrators

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