Hi Folks, I'm all signed up to go to "Beadcamp" April 17–21, 2013 for Margaret Zinsers class on her techniques with enamels. As a matter of fact I applied for a grant to attend this class and I got it! Yay!!! Well, it turns out that they need two more participants to make the class, so I am putting the word out. Join me in Nokomis, FL for a wonderful and relaxing week of learning about how to use enamels to create or enhance the work you already know how to do. I want to learn to use enamels to do....something that is special and yet to be done as far as I know. Think about it! What can you do with enamels with your beads that no one has done yet? Go to:
and sign up. I want to meet the two people who make this class happen!