
2007-07-26, 7:42pm
Word to your mother
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Cane/Twistie Recipes
This is the place to post lots and lots of different cane and twisty recipes. A picture of the bead made with the cane would be nice too.
Kendra To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
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2007-07-26, 7:52pm
Etch Fiend Organic Junky
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If only I could make them...I usually buy mine from Lynnie! LOL
I am Twisty Impaired.
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2007-07-26, 8:09pm
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Great I idea, I LOVE twisties. I love making twisties, I loive using twisties, they are so much fun.
I think this thread needs to be a sticky (first one I have wanted to be a sticky). Even before it gets going.
1 - Just a simple white and medium lapis blue twisty on red. I like using twisties to make dots as well as wrap around the bead, you can make a fun bi-colored dots. I espcially like using them to make plunged bubble dots.
2 - A simple x-mas set with white, transparent sage green, transparent red and Goldstone on white.
3 - My all time favorite bead, can't duplicate (of course) and you have all seen it before - Opal Yellow and Intense black on silvered ivory.
4 - Love these beads, look so much better in person. Clear, Nile Green, Sky Blue (or torquoise, can't remember). All on clear, cased in clear.
5 - These are so fun to make. EDP and Copper Green on Opal Yellow.
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2007-07-26, 8:37pm
Mary Lockwood
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I've got lots to add tomorrow but this is a quicky.
My new favorite thing to make- enameled silvered ivory
I just take effetre pale ivory, get a grape-sized gather. Roll in silver foil, burnish, burn off. Reheat this silvered gather and roll once in moss green enamel. Melt that layer smooth then roll in the moss green enamel a second time. Melt that smooth and then pull down your stringer.
Depending on how heavy-handed you are with the enamel, and how long you cook it once it's applied, you get different levels of color tint in your silvered ivory. I went too gung ho with my last batch and lost the lacy effect. Less is more.
Here it is encased and left on the surface.
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2007-07-27, 11:03am
Formerly known as weasel
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These are fantastic. Thank you everyone. I hope there are lots more coming, I want to have some fun when I am able to torch again!
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2007-07-27, 11:12am
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Well, I wouldn't say I love making them, but I HAVE to. That's all I use in most of my beads. Here's two examples.
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2007-07-27, 11:40am
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My absolute favorite twisty combination for vines is this: 219 copper green, 224 lt. sky blue, and 216 grass green.
I usually do the method of creating a cone of copper green on the end of an old mandrel and then stripe on the other colors and pull straight.

2007-07-27, 11:43am
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Then there is always the method of taking a large clear blob, cutting channels into it and putting colors in the channels then cover with more clear. I usually pull some straight and some twisted.

2007-07-27, 5:10pm
Puddy Cat Lover
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I love this thread!!! I love making and using twisties too.
Here's one of my favorites that I've been meaning to try again, but never get a round to.
The twisty is made with a 6mm rod of moretti white, a thick stringer of moretti special red, not sure which number but it's one of the deeper reds, then a stringer of EDP, and just the skinniest stringer of moretti black. Apply over white. I called this Flaming Pastille.
Moth, I'm going to have to try that silvered ivory enamel thing you did. That floral is sooooo pretty!!!
Jeanette Savina Cobb
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2007-07-27, 7:09pm
Beyond Cloud 9!
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Awesome thread, guys!!
Mary, have you tried this with different enamel colors? I can't wait to try this one!
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2007-07-27, 7:27pm
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Oh my GOD. I forgot to put my recipe with my pictures. It must be Friday. I make my grape can with a simple white cane covered in black. When pulled out, black of course turns deep purple which I think is perfect for grapes or flowers.
For the tree cane, I use an optic mold but you don't have to. Just melt a huge blob of white and make a barrel out of it. Make five even grooves and fill with dense black. After you melt that in a bit, coat it with....you can choose anything you want but I use trans orange, red, brown, even Rubino sometimes. Keeping the original shape of a barrel, melt all in and pull. You can also stripe it with raku cane for extra added detail and color.
Thanks Lara for watching out for me. It seem these days I need it.
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2007-07-27, 7:43pm
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cynthia, I love your beads. You might think about editing your first message with your second so that they recipes are with the pictures. Lovely lovely lovely.
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2007-07-27, 7:47pm
Mary Lockwood
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Originally Posted by lripster
Awesome thread, guys!!
Mary, have you tried this with different enamel colors? I can't wait to try this one!
Yes, I have made it where I rolled one side of the silvered ivory in apple green and the other side in some dark yellow I can't remember the name of. It was pretty but I don't have any pictures, sorry.
I do have a better picture of the green version though.
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2007-07-27, 8:51pm
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They are all beautiful. I am highly twisty impaired. Too thin, lopsided, lame....
Cricket + Propane + Oxycon + Glass = Beads...this year I hope!? Been a long time.

2007-07-27, 11:02pm
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This is a great thread. I can make twisties, but I never knew exactly what to do with them! Okay, where can you rate a thread? I know I've seen it before, but it's not showing up in this one.
J. Savina I love those beads.

2007-07-28, 5:43am
Mary Lockwood
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Hi Terri. You can't rate threads anymore. Apparently some people were abusing the feature. I don't know how they were abusing it, but they were and now it's gone. ~~Mary
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2007-07-28, 10:56am
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Originally Posted by Moth
Hi Terri. You can't rate threads anymore. Apparently some people were abusing the feature. I don't know how they were abusing it, but they were and now it's gone. ~~Mary
Ah well, that's a shame. It sure made it easier to find good tips and tutorials, by searching top rated threads. Thanks for the info though.

2007-07-28, 12:52pm
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I love making twisties but I don't use them a lot. I can't ever find something great to do with them. But, for my vine canes I use ASK aloe vera and CIM Hades for black encased in clear. BTW: CIM Hades is my new favorite black because it isn't a dark blue or a dark purple. It is black and I use it when I don't want the spreading I would get with intense black. It is cheaper than intense black as well. If you haven't tried the Hades black, I would highly recommend it. Now, they just need to start making stringers.
For my vines I also like to use pea green with black and encased in clear.
Twisties: My all time favorite would have to be raku/Van Gogh with intense black. I just found a twistie that I really like. It won't look like much of anything until you use it. I made a twistie from the new R4 color called Michelangelo. I made one twistie with this color and clear stripes and and another one with Michelangelo and a black stripe. Make that in to twisties. I use it on a bead I plan to reduce. Michelangelo likes to be reduced and encased. With the clear in it in the twistie, it makes a nice effect I think. I need to take some pictures for you guys.
I have been working on a tutorial for using Catt's column press to make striped cane and twisties. I haven't finished it and the pictures are pretty sucky. But, if you heat up a rod and put it in this press it will come out like this:
then it is spaced well for stripes. I often put in stripes of one color and then another color on top of it and sometimes add another stripe to the color I started with and keep adding it up like you would murrini. Melt it all in and make a twistie that is super colorful or pull it out and you've got a nice long striped cane or you can cut it in to little pieces to make star-ish (not a word I know) or flowerish type murrini. I am no expert with murrini but I am trying to learn. I never used this press for making shapes in beads but I stumbled across it for making vines and I use it all the time for that. So, if you happen to have this press and don't use it very much, give it a try for this.
My pictures aren't great but here's some pictures of beads with my vine cane in them. Not much to brag about really. Some of the pictures are bad but I've gotten better since then. I just can't find the good pictures.
This bead had some issues and ended up a bit wonky. I hated to trash it since it had all of the CZ's in it so I put that ugly lip on it. My DH calls it the jug bead. My DH has also moved all of my good photos of my beads to a CD that I can not locate at the moment.
Of course Mary, I love your ideas and I am going to try the enamel thing today. I was using white enamel on petrol green and pulling it out into flat stringers and then making little leaves with that for stuff but I am not thrilled with the look.
Thanks for all the tips. I hope to get a lot of torching done this weekend so I have lots of new stuff to try.
Everything on Sale!
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2007-07-28, 11:10pm
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Thanks from me too! I just started using enamels, making twisties, and canes so this is very helpful for me.
I've been using Kimberely Afflacks method for twisties. She did a tutorial and I love doing them now.
Sometimes I don't like what I have until I find the right base color. I made one twist, tried it on 5 different base bead colors and nothing good.
Then I put it on black and that's all it took! So you just never know.
I'll post a couple combinations I like after I get some sleep!
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2007-07-29, 3:49pm
FatCat Mama
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Mary - that's genius! I can't wait to try enamel on silvered ivory stringer now.
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2007-08-07, 2:08pm
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I know this sounds too easy but I just love using a base of Lt. Turquoise, with a big stripe of Copper Green and another big stripe of Dk., or Light Ivory.
I like to use for big dots on a base of black or on Tangerine Sparkle.
I use Kimberly Afflack's seahorse twiste tutorial so it makes super fine lines of color.
Another combo I really like is a base of OY, Big stripe of copper green, big stripe of EDP, small stripe of transparent Rootbeer to Dark Amber, another of transparent Emerald Green or Teal, and maybe another stripe of Coral.
Again using Kim's twist tutorial.
Looks great on EDP or Dark Violet or New Violet. If you press it so it chills the colors pop.
I'm off to try Mary's technique. Thanks Mary!
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2007-08-07, 2:20pm
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Originally Posted by *Naos*
If only I could make them...I usually buy mine from Lynnie! LOL
I am Twisty Impaired.
Try Kim Afflacks Seahorse Twistie Tutorial. I swear it is so easy. You can make them thick or thin depending on the look you want.
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2007-08-08, 3:02pm
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Oh my GOD. I forgot to put my recipe with my pictures. It must be Friday. I make my grape can with a simple white cane covered in black. When pulled out, black of course turns deep purple which I think is perfect for grapes or flowers.
For the tree cane, I use an optic mold but you don't have to. Just melt a huge blob of white and make a barrel out of it. Make five even grooves and fill with dense black. After you melt that in a bit, coat it with....you can choose anything you want but I use trans orange, red, brown, even Rubino sometimes. Keeping the original shape of a barrel, melt all in and pull. You can also stripe it with raku cane for extra added detail and color.
Cynthia, I just love your vines, background, foreground, trees, flowers, grapes, star, moon, sky, (whew), BEAD! The more you look the more you see!
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2007-08-08, 7:10pm
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 Thank you Angela.
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2007-08-15, 5:55am
Word to your mother
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Where would one find Kimberly's twistie tutorial?
Kendra To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
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2007-08-15, 6:39am
The Andrea Half
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2007-08-26, 10:01am
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I love twisties and use them a lot. Here is one of my favourites:
Use lollypop-method:
clear striking orange/light red transparent opaque light orange lolly in clear dark ivory medium topas Twist tightly.
Here are some beads I made with these twisties.
Regards, Verena
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2007-08-26, 1:51pm
Dangerous Woman
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Beautiful beads everyone! Thanks so much for sharing your info. I have a question - its not exactly off topic but since we're talking twisties here I figured it would be a good place to ask. I LOVE making twisties and wigwags. But I find that many many times, unless they are VERY thin, they tend to be very shocky. I mean I can loose almost an inch due to the popping and shocking. I've never heard of anyone else having this problem. I do preheat them before using them. Am I doing something wrong?
May your torch burn brightly and your oxy never run out. - Karen Hardy
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2007-08-26, 2:12pm
Frit frit and more frit!
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The only time I get shocking, is if I've managed to twist a bubble in the cane too...

2007-08-26, 2:15pm
Dangerous Woman
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I don't think that is my problem. I get it quite regualarly.
May your torch burn brightly and your oxy never run out. - Karen Hardy
On a Cheetah with a hurricane Still have my Lynx as a back up.
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