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2011-10-06, 2:17pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Dream Fire Glass Studio -
It took 4 months and 19 days since we shut down the torches at the old studio to get Dream Fire Glass Studio up and running.
I now have a place of my very own to melt glass. Oh and there is room for a few of my friend too......
Here is the finished flameworking studio
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-06, 2:33pm
Join Date: Jan 27, 2008
Location: by the beautiful bay
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What an awesome studio!!!

2011-10-06, 2:34pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
The whole saga is on my blog but I will post a few picture here too.
I'm going to start with the before.
This is the warehouse before - a junky mess. There was a "flood" from the toilet in the warehouse office next door and all of the things you see all over belong to the ladies I'm sharing the office warehouse with. More stuff had to be crammed into the warehouse so new carpet could be put in. you couldn't move in there for about a month.
The garage door was not insulated and radiated heat into the studio from the early morning to noon.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-06, 2:35pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Originally Posted by Pammi
What an awesome studio!!!
thank you
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-06, 2:46pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
You can see we work a bit to get it cleaned up.
The other thing that had to be insulated was the ceiling.
It is hot here in Texas and if there was any hope of having the A/C work we had to insulate.
Here is before and after
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-06, 2:46pm
Join Date: Apr 22, 2008
Location: Cornelius, NC - because weather
Posts: 5,158
Wow. That looks awesome. I need to come up sometime and take the dichro workshop. I wasted a bunch of dichro today trying to pull stringer. Actually the pull worked OK but when I tried to lay the string down on a bead it just exploded.
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"And all will turn to silver glass, a light on the water, grey ships pass into the west." Annie Lennox

2011-10-06, 2:55pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Here is the funny purpley insulation on the garage door. I will be soon be covered with Gessoed canvas so we can have some fun with that door later.
The canvas will also strenthen and protect the purple foam. Under the foam is a radiant barrior silver stuff. REally keeps it cooler.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-06, 2:58pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Originally Posted by erose
Wow. That looks awesome. I need to come up sometime and take the dichro workshop. I wasted a bunch of dichro today trying to pull stringer. Actually the pull worked OK but when I tried to lay the string down on a bead it just exploded.
I'd love to have you come. I'll PM you some tips later tonight.
I'm going to have a full schedule of classes /workshops in 2012. I'm kind of taking it easy the rest of this year and just teaching Bead 1 & 2 and a few little workshops and lots of open torch. I'll be putting the 2012 schedule up on the web site in a few weeks.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-06, 3:35pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
The table.
Well it started out with just chairs. I could do that by myself while DH & DS were out of the country. I bought them. A friend painted them in his spray booth. Then I recovered them in thick cotten material not synthetic. I personally think they were hidious before. Chairs really are important there is nothing worse than and uncomfortable chair and if you drop some hot glass, melting said chair cushion to your leg because it is synthetic is no fun.
The table is 42 inches so you can sit of stand. That is why the chairs are so tall.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-06, 3:55pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
This is the base of the table being built. I wanted bookselves and cubbies to store stuff and a place for students to put their stuff during class.
It was and interesting process we had to know where the table would go to cut the hole in the roof for the hood. But we had to wait untill the hood was in to set the table in place. Once it was in place the gas lines were run.
The top of the table had to go on last because the gas line run from one end to the other threw the table to the two manifolds.
The wood didn't want to stay straight(warping a bit) so we had to do a little tweeking and then it was fine. I wanted Stainless steel and that is what is over all the wood except a little bit in the middle of the table and that will be a glass mosaic.
The table is 10 feet x 5 feet
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-06, 4:04pm
silver glass addict
Join Date: Oct 05, 2006
Location: San Francisco
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This is awesome, Sam! Congrats! You must be thrilled!!!
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2011-10-06, 4:23pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
The hood
Now that was an adventure. Lots of reading and asking questions. Trying to make sense of the numbers. How much CFM?? Well there is a point where you can have too much ventalation. When you are exchanging the air in the room in less than a minute that is too much. So we came up with a number we could all live with. That is me the HVAC engineer the ventalation gurus from different sights and the person who helped me the most from the Corning Glass studio. Big Bertha (the fan) has a variable speed dial a good one the kind that keeps from over heating. I love the louvers that open and close when it is turned on and off.
My hubby and I designed the hood ( go big or go home) and I think she is pretty. the HVAC company made her and installed everything in one day.
The electrician did his work and we turned her on------ an un-Godly Clanging which sent us all running. The blades had shifted in shipping but that was easily fixed and no damage was done.
Here if the whole process from fan to hood
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-06, 4:24pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Originally Posted by Hayley
This is awesome, Sam! Congrats! You must be thrilled!!!
Thanks Haley I am beyond Thrilled and want to talk to you about a visit!
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-06, 4:38pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Lets see I'm posting this while running the front end - the store and trying talk to DH who is getting on the final plane to go to Germany.
That is why it is taking so long to get this posted. Oh and please forgive any typo's or spelling.
Ok Space- table -chairs- hood. Gas lines yes you need that
Propane and oxygen are hard lined in. With the table in the middle of the floor and the fact I'm renting the space the lines had to go on the floor.We custom made a "speed bump" to protect them. Added a little "girlie safety stripe"
The propane is in a raised cage out back. And the O2 is chained to the wall.
I think I can now quote the NFSC so yes you can have it like that.
We added the corrigated metal wall for looks but it is fire proof and that makes the inspectors happy.
By the way I passed all inspections and have the green cards to prove it!
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-06, 4:56pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
A very important part of your ventilation is the intake of fresh air!
For right now the big garage door get oppened exactly the right amount to let in the make up air.
24x24=576 the ducts size
93x6.2 =576.6 the "bugscreens" size
Then there is extra air coming in at the top of the garage door too.
We have bugs all year long and I prefer not to have a June bug down my shirt when I'm pulling a big murrini so we made this cool bug screen that fits in the bottom of the garage door and then there is a strip of screen across the top of the outside. No bugs or very few really smart bugs who figure out how to get past all that.
That is the bug screen sitting onthe table and a picture of it and the other screen from the outside.
Another important thing is being able to see- you need lights on that hood.
I'm using LED lights they are cooler and last forever. But they cost a ton so the lights that point down are LED the ones pointing up are the halogens that came with the light strip.
Well that is it for now I hope you like it!
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-06, 7:07pm
Master Procrastinator
Join Date: Feb 15, 2006
Location: Long Island, NY
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WOW! I am in serious lust & wish I lived closer. Lots of good luck with it! It's a phenomenal space.
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2011-10-07, 12:19am
Beads Beads Glass
Join Date: May 20, 2011
Location: Solomon KS
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wow cool!!!! I want to play!!!!
Kimberly Parsons
Actions, even desperately stupid ones, have consequences
working on new blog

2011-10-07, 6:10am
Debra Clutter
Join Date: Nov 09, 2006
Location: Bakersfield, ca
Posts: 759
I really love your setup. This is exactly what I wanted to do here in Bakersfield. I may have to come take a look someday!
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Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in. -Amy Lowell-
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2011-10-07, 11:17am
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Lea Thank you
Kim come play anytime
Debra you are welcome anytime and I'm happy to give you details of how I did it.
Starting with a Dream followed by a wing and a prayer. Oh and having a handy husband does not hurt either.
My most sincere hope is this studio will be a place of joy and learning that is self sustaining. I am going to have some awesome guest instructors in 2012 and am working out details on making some fun "bead vacations" in San Antonio so people can come take a workshop and have a San Antonio experience too.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-07, 12:24pm
Senior Member
Join Date: May 30, 2010
Location: Loving Bermuda, dreaming of Africa and looking forward to Maine!
Posts: 508
Looks amazing!! Well done!

2011-10-07, 12:27pm
Still Missing You
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Originally Posted by LAJ
WOW! I am in serious lust & wish I lived closer. Lots of good luck with it! It's a phenomenal space.
Hop on a plane for that Texas visit and I'll drive you over from here.
Sam, your studio looks awesome. I am so glad you brought it all together and can now live the dream.
Wishing you nothing but great times in your fantastic studio. Thank you so much for sharing the experience.

2011-10-07, 12:51pm
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 10, 2005
Location: Manhattan,KS the land of Purple Pride
Posts: 7,718
Oh my. Onlly wish this would happen here.
Awesome place to have for a studio.
To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. Rose Leslie

2011-10-07, 12:55pm
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 17, 2006
Location: S Texas on the Mexico Border
Posts: 172
Took several classes at the other place. This studio looks great!!!! Will stop in the next time I am in SA.
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Like my Facebook Page, Please

2011-10-07, 11:35pm
Ooohhh! Shiny!
Join Date: Jan 14, 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 257
I am SO there! Only a 4 1/2 hour drive down 35. Easy Peasy!!!
Looking forward to the class schedule for 2012 so I can plan my year!
So many new toys - So little time!

2011-10-08, 9:06am
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Thank you Lemonwood studio
Linda Thank you for the wonderful wishes come on over sometime.
Jeanette looking forward to seeing you. There are some differences in the new place and the old studio. More room, more torches, focus on flameworking and most important it belongs to me.
Karen looking forward to you coming to San Antonio. I think Patti and the GBS may plan a group trip too.
Thank you everyone.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-08, 11:25am
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 08, 2005
Posts: 2,908
I remember you talking about this at the Gathering this year!! Congrats on making it happen, it looks amazing!!!
GTT Scorpion, Griffin Glass footpedal, EX15 oxycon
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2011-10-08, 8:18pm
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 06, 2007
Location: Spring, Tx
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Congrats on seeing your dream realized! It looks wonderful and I'm sure there will be lots of fun and learning, as well as creating going on in that lovely space!

2011-10-19, 7:19am
Corgi Lover
Join Date: Aug 25, 2005
Posts: 106
Sam's new studio is amazing! SALSA (Society of Artisan Lampworkers in San Antonio) got to host our October meeting at the new studio! Thanks Sam for giving us a home!

2011-10-19, 10:46am
Master Procrastinator
Join Date: Feb 15, 2006
Location: Long Island, NY
Posts: 3,345
Originally Posted by dalilly
Hop on a plane for that Texas visit and I'll drive you over from here.
Sam, your studio looks awesome. I am so glad you brought it all together and can now live the dream.
Wishing you nothing but great times in your fantastic studio. Thank you so much for sharing the experience.
Don't ask me twice Linda! I am SO there!
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2011-10-19, 1:17pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piņata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
It is a beautiful day here sunny temps in the 70's.
Open torch is going on right now.......
Save up and come.
I have to firm up the dates for the 1st 2 national instructors I'm hosting:so I am letting the cat out of the bag early here........
Amy Waldman- Smith early February 2012
Wesley Fleming - October 27th-28th with a demo on the 26th
Lets see who is reading this thread they got the scoop.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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