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2011-10-19, 2:38pm
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Join Date: Oct 30, 2005
Location: Montville, NJ. About 35 miles from Manhattan
Posts: 765
Super studio space, Sam! I'm passing thru San Antonio (heading to Port A) this weekend, wish I had time to stop and play!
"If you don't have the time to do it right, When will you find the time to do it over"
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2011-10-19, 5:05pm
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 19, 2007
Posts: 1,078
Beautiful, Sam! Such a bright and wonderful space. I recall how unhappy you were when the other studio had to shut down. So glad this worked out in the end! Congrats!

2011-10-19, 6:49pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Originally Posted by MoltenMuse
Beautiful, Sam! Such a bright and wonderful space. I recall how unhappy you were when the other studio had to shut down. So glad this worked out in the end! Congrats!
Thank you Cheryl
- just to clarify the other studio moved- without the flameworking department.
Don't want anyone to think they are no longer in business just no flamework there.
Yes I was seriously bummed.
The past is past and the future is bright.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-10-19, 6:51pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Liz have fun in Port A. I love the beach when it is cooler.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-12-26, 9:56pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Well the studio is up and running. I've been teaching classes just about every weekend . I love my new space!
I posted the class schedule for spring 2012 here
in the classes section of LE.
The grand openning is January 14th 2012!
I hope you will get to come see it in person sometime in 2012!
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-12-27, 7:12pm
grama punky - class junky
Join Date: Aug 08, 2009
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wonderful! congratulations.
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2011-12-28, 1:40pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Thank you Donna
I have got to get some pictures of the new things we have done.
My DH has made a nice little framework to hold the sink in the bathroom and we then put a curtain and some galvinized steel on the frame to make a cabinet of sorts. Now there is a place to store the "ugly cleaniing stuff". And to go with the extreme pink theme- hot pink rugs in the now "powder-room"
I just got an antique stacking bookcase for the gallery - it was my Mom's and the stepdad is down sizing. I think it will be a nice display cabinet.
Always more work to do but it is great to have my own playground.
I'll work on getting more pictures
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2011-12-28, 5:04pm
Join Date: Apr 29, 2010
Location: Alabama/New Orleans, LA
Posts: 51
How awesome! Congrats on the new studio.
Do what you love and you'll love what you do!

2011-12-28, 6:07pm
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 14, 2011
Location: Gatineau, Québec, Canada
Posts: 222
What a great space you have. Congrats and enjoy.

2012-01-13, 5:01pm
Mr. Cellophane
Join Date: Jun 23, 2005
Location: St. Louis MO.
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It turned out great Sam!
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2012-01-14, 3:39am
Still Missing You
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Wishing you the best for your Grand Opening today. Hope to make it over that way soon.

2012-01-16, 2:13pm
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Join Date: Sep 01, 2008
Location: North Central Arkansas
Posts: 578
Hey Sam,
How was Grand Opening?
Beth W. ----- Lynx and two 10 lpm oxycons
"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by." Douglas Adams

2012-01-17, 4:08pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Grand Opening rocked!
The Grand Opening was awesome. Here are some picture from my friends blog.
The day went really fast for me. Lots of people dropped by and some stayed all day. I think the prize tickets every hour or the wine and great food kept them here. The demos didn't quite go every hour because I was busy at the sales desk.
The pinata had all sorts of fun prizes in it and you really had to be careful when it finally spilled its contents. There were some elbows flying and some friendly shoving to get the good stuff - well it was all good stuff.
The highlight for me was my friend the Brothers of the Flame - firedancers -came by and performed.
I need to get the pictures of my DH's camera to post more.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2012-01-21, 1:30pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
I finally posted more pictures on my blog of the grand opening.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2012-01-21, 3:38pm
Join Date: Apr 01, 2009
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 1,015
Congratulations, Sam!! You survived the long journey, now enjoy the destination. (((Sam)))
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2012-01-27, 11:29am
SSDD... go ahead, ask me!
Join Date: Dec 12, 2006
Location: Houston, TX
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It was so fun to come across this post and read it and see the pictures. WoW I"m very impressed! Now I want to go home and evaluate my shop more closely. It's in a closed garage with work benches and lots of outlets. I'm going to price insulation for the walls & garage door, and blinds for the windows. You've given me so many good ideas!
BarbaraJ...my mind is what matters

2012-01-27, 4:48pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Glad to help
The insulation really helps!
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2012-02-22, 1:36pm
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Join Date: Jul 13, 2008
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 601
Wow!!! Very impressive.
Candace To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

2012-02-24, 2:39am
Evil Glass Enabler
Join Date: Dec 10, 2006
Location: DFW, Texas
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Looking good! I hope we're going to do a trip.  Angelique
Yes, I know it doesn't look red in this picture. The lighting wasn't good. To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. Fantasy Sterling Jewelry
Hothead or Nortel Major/minor on an oxycon. Ex-hole stole the big torches after putting them on the inventory.
"If I'm not part of the solution then I'm part of the problem. Today I'm part of the problem."

2012-02-25, 3:05pm
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 25, 2012
Posts: 5
Wow, very amazing studio!

2014-11-27, 7:19pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Dream Fire Glass Studio is expanding!
I was sharing the space with some Fusers who were planning to leave in 5 years.
Well 5 got here in 3 years and now the whole space is mine!
I thought I would share the continuing journey.
I have to admit I was not ready to start this project now - but I am super excited about what this means to my Studio!
So here comes more pictures.
1st their studio name had several letters I could use painted on the front window I am filling in the rest to spell Dream Fire - not cheap frugal!
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2014-11-27, 7:29pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
I have a new classroom space for non flameworking classes.
I have already fixed the blinds they now are all there and work perfectly.
This room has awesome natural light and good over head lighting at night!
This is what it looks like empty. I have tried several configurations of tables and chairs and I think it can comfortably fit 9-10 students. I think these pictures make it look smaller than it is.
Metals, jewelry, fusing, mosaics classes are some of the possibilities
It will also make an awesome lunch/break room for the national instructor classes. No more balancing you lunch on your lap.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2014-11-27, 7:32pm
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 25, 2014
Posts: 21
Very nice looking place you got there.

2014-11-27, 7:49pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
The back warehouse I call the torch room. It was always a crowded mess ( the 1st 2 picture show that- who puts stuff on top of their kiln?) the Fuser Ladies had so much clutter back there.
Here are some "before they left" picture the 2 kilns were theirs and the shelving with all the molds was also theirs. The last picture is the beautiful empty space. The back wall where the garage door is has plenty of room for my larger kilns
This back wall is the kiln area- I have a better arrangement in mind than the before picture. For some reason they had their kilns taking up the corner instead of lined up on the back wall ( yes I know you need space between the kilns and the wall but their arrangement took up way to much space.)
I think I may put in cubbies or lockers for students on the wall where their molds were.
Yes that is a 220 plug on the back wall!
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2014-11-27, 8:03pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
The wall with the cabinets is going to be the metals area in the torch room.
Slowly but surely it will have drills, presses, punches, polishing and grinding wheels - and yes a soldering station. The back wall on the opposite side of the garage door will be the photography area. I wanted a permanent place where I can take good photographs and students can rent time to use it too.
Hubby and I will be using the Bullseye crates to build most of the tables and cabinets back there.
In the far right you can see the edge of a sink - that wall will become the "wet" coldworking area. Glass grinders and dare I dream? a lathe just a tiny one. but that is a few years down the road. At the very least the foredum set up like a tiny lathe.
Hey think big - reach for the stars!
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2014-11-27, 8:12pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Sooooo that is where I am right now - this will progress slowly BUT it will get done.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2014-11-27, 8:35pm
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 02, 2010
Posts: 3,505
Good gosh, I never realized how much of that stuff belonged to the "ladies". You are going to have so much room to spread your wings and simply fly! I'm so happy for you.
Soft glass on a Minor/concentrator since 1996

2014-11-27, 9:24pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
Thank you!
Yes now I can move my stuff in and have an organized neat space to work and teach in.
I am grateful the "Ladies" let me move in with them it was the best decision at the time.
But I was cramped and spent way to much time explaining that this is mine and that is not. I have room for new classes and new teachers too.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2015-02-02, 8:13pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
OK finally had time to get the pictures posted.
So a few posts back there is a picture of the before of the new non flameworking classes. We added a countertop in is galvanized steel so it can be used for many things. The black curtains hide storage underneath and can be removed and washed because I used Velcro to attach them. Hubby added slot wall for supplies for sale. I put up a little word inspiration too. I finished the shelving above the countertop I just had some boards up when I took this picture. Now I just need to get some pictures on the very white walls that room needs color!
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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2015-02-02, 8:26pm
Sam I Am
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Back in the Land of the piñata San Antonio TX
Posts: 883
This is what I am calling the "Kitchenette"
It is part work area for me and part buffet area for classes. It is so nice to have an area for serving food or just making my lunch. It is galvanized steel to made with Bullseye glass crates.
Nina "Sam" Hibler
In the Torch's Flame I was Reborn. My Passion Ignited
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