
2013-02-04, 10:29pm
Marble Lover
Join Date: Apr 16, 2012
Location: Broken Arrow, OK
Posts: 802
New Bravo, need some more parts to get hooked up.
I recently got my new Bethlehem Bravo and I'm about ready to hook it up.
I'm going to be running the center fire on my M20 OxyCon and the outer fire on a K-Tank. Gas for both will be Propane from a single tank.
I have some hose, but will need at least one more for the O2 from the K-Tank. I'll also need some connectors.
Below is a pic of the torch w/connectors and the hoses I have that were part of a purchase of tools. I have the regulators and flashback arrestors already.
I need some sort of Y for the propane and another hose for the O2 tank. I haven't looked, but I believe the threaded ends of the hoses will go on the OxyCon and on the flashback arrestor on the Propane tank. I'm just not sure how to get the ends of the hoses that don't have connectors on them hooked up to the Y and the connector that is on the centerfire of the Bravo.
Also, can I get the other hose, the Y, and whatever other connectors I'll need at Lowe's/Home Depot/Etc., or should I get them at the welding shop where I get my K-Tank?
Any help is appreciated!
Brian E. Parker aka BEPNewt
Lifelong glass lover, now getting to work with it. Using a Bravo on an M20 & Natural Gas ( inner ), Tanked O2 & Propane ( outer ).
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2013-02-05, 4:15am
Now part of the Dark Side
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You will need to go to the welding shop. The selection at Lowes is pitiful. You will need a "Y" for the fuel as well, welding shop should have those.
Hot glass does not crack.
Unless it is glowing and drippy, hot glass looks like cold glass.

2013-02-05, 5:05am
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You won't be able to find the fittings at Lowes or Home Depot. Your Oxy supplier, ABR, Mountain Glass, or weldingsupply.com will have what you need.
Don't forget flashback arrestors for gas and Tanked oxy if you don't already have them.

2013-02-05, 8:14am
Marble Lover
Join Date: Apr 16, 2012
Location: Broken Arrow, OK
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What will go on the ends of the hose that don't have anything on them? Is there a barbed threaded thing that shoves up inside the hose? This is the only part that I'm unsure of.
I want to go into the welding shop with at least a small grasp of what I need to buy so I don't look like too much of a doof.
Brian E. Parker aka BEPNewt
Lifelong glass lover, now getting to work with it. Using a Bravo on an M20 & Natural Gas ( inner ), Tanked O2 & Propane ( outer ).
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2013-02-05, 9:42am
Gentleman of Leisure
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You will need a "Y" connector for fuel hose as your "fires" can use same propane source... These come with or without valves .. With valves might be preferred as it will allow more control and not rely just on torch valves for "control" when outer fire is not in use...
You will need "barbed" fittings and clamps for end of hose that is without brass fittings...
These fittings come in two types one for oxygen one for fuel (left hand thread)
And you will need "second" oxygen hose to feed the "other" fire that is not on concentrator (or tank) ....
As stated above any decent local welding supplier should have the parts and can custom assemble what you need to get you from tank regulators (or oxycon ) to torch....
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2013-02-05, 9:45am
Marble Lover
Join Date: Apr 16, 2012
Location: Broken Arrow, OK
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Thank you, Dale.
And the clamps go over the hose where the barbs go in to prevent the hose from blowing off under pressure?
Brian E. Parker aka BEPNewt
Lifelong glass lover, now getting to work with it. Using a Bravo on an M20 & Natural Gas ( inner ), Tanked O2 & Propane ( outer ).
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2013-02-05, 9:47am
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yes sir that's correct.
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2013-02-05, 9:48am
Marble Lover
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Good deal. I may actually get to go to the welding shop at lunch.
Brian E. Parker aka BEPNewt
Lifelong glass lover, now getting to work with it. Using a Bravo on an M20 & Natural Gas ( inner ), Tanked O2 & Propane ( outer ).
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2013-02-05, 9:48am
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think about getting some quick connects too. i don't have any...wish i did. every month or so i'll go to a friends to torch together....having to slice the hose off of the barbed connector is bitch...once you stuff the hose over the barb and then hose clamp on that...you'll never pull the hose off the barb.
so about once or twice a month my oxy and propane hoses get about 1" shorter lol.
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2013-02-05, 9:51am
Marble Lover
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Good idea. I probably won't take this torch anywhere, but after you say something like that, you of course end up doing it.
Appreciate the nudge. Let me check my budget real fast...
Originally Posted by istandalone24/7
think about getting some quick connects too. i don't have any...wish i did. every month or so i'll go to a friends to torch together....having to slice the hose off of the barbed connector is bitch...once you stuff the hose over the barb and then hose clamp on that...you'll never pull the hose off the barb.
so about once or twice a month my oxy and propane hoses get about 1" shorter lol.
Brian E. Parker aka BEPNewt
Lifelong glass lover, now getting to work with it. Using a Bravo on an M20 & Natural Gas ( inner ), Tanked O2 & Propane ( outer ).
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2013-02-05, 10:02am
Gentleman of Leisure
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Originally Posted by bepnewt
Thank you, Dale.
And the clamps go over the hose where the barbs go in to prevent the hose from blowing off under pressure?
Yes.... Welding supply may eve crimp the new ends on with a farrel as it's pretty much a standard procedure to repair hoses with damaged ends...
Might want to sit down and take a few minutes to make crude sketch of what you want to do all the way form tanks/regulators and oxycon to torch so you have idea of what you may need and lengths involved.... Road maps always help...
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San Francisco - A Few Toys Short of a Happy Meal

2013-02-05, 10:03am
Gentleman of Leisure
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Originally Posted by istandalone24/7
think about getting some quick connects too. i don't have any...wish i did. every month or so i'll go to a friends to torch together....having to slice the hose off of the barbed connector is bitch...once you stuff the hose over the barb and then hose clamp on that...you'll never pull the hose off the barb.
so about once or twice a month my oxy and propane hoses get about 1" shorter lol.
Just replaced barbed connectors with threaded connectors....
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San Francisco - A Few Toys Short of a Happy Meal

2013-02-05, 10:15am
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I use a bit of leak test solution to lube the barbs before I put the hoses on so that I can twist the hose all the way up against the back of the b-fitting nut.
Then test all your connections with the leak test solution - you'll have quite a few connections you'll want to make sure they're all nice and tight. It's good to check them periodically thereafter.
Leak test solution can be found at the big box stores or welding supply houses - make sure it states it's safe for oxy use (no petroleum products)

2013-02-05, 10:20am
Marble Lover
Join Date: Apr 16, 2012
Location: Broken Arrow, OK
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Originally Posted by Dale M.
Yes.... Welding supply may eve crimp the new ends on with a farrel as it's pretty much a standard procedure to repair hoses with damaged ends...
Might want to sit down and take a few minutes to make crude sketch of what you want to do all the way form tanks/regulators and oxycon to torch so you have idea of what you may need and lengths involved.... Road maps always help...
( in reference to the deleted post ) The old guy behind the counter there is not what I'd call a "people person". He wasn't even sure if he wanted to talk to me about a K-Tank last time I was there. I expected as much, these places aren't Lowe's, they're specialty shops, and you're either on the Buddy List or you're not. I could tell his interest was a little piqued when I talked about the torch, though. I have the Bravo and my hoses in the car to take in, which will hopefully help a little to break through his "Anti-noob" shell. Maybe I'll let him fire it up...
The hoses I have are quite a bit longer than I want. I was thinking about cutting them down to a better length for my setup, leaving some extra, of course. I'm pretty sure I could cut them in half and make a second set of hoses to solve my problem of needing another O2 hose. With quick-connects or threaded connectors, I could then buy another set later if I have to rearrange the torching area. I'll think about it.
A sketch definitely would be good, thanks.
Originally Posted by TalonST
Leak test solution can be found at the big box stores or welding supply houses - make sure it states it's safe for oxy use (no petroleum products)
And another thanks. I appreciate it.
Brian E. Parker aka BEPNewt
Lifelong glass lover, now getting to work with it. Using a Bravo on an M20 & Natural Gas ( inner ), Tanked O2 & Propane ( outer ).
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2013-02-05, 10:48am
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Spend enough money and you'll be on the "Buddy" list real quick. When you start coming in for O2 once a week they will change their attitude very quickly. If they don't time to find a new shop.
Hot glass does not crack.
Unless it is glowing and drippy, hot glass looks like cold glass.

2013-02-05, 11:02am
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Originally Posted by Dragonharper
Spend enough money and you'll be on the "Buddy" list real quick.
Exactly right. These guys are used to dealing with professional welders and they can be a bit tough on you when you're new - be nice, it pays in the long run. Buy parts at your local shop instead of complaining about price and how things are cheaper on the net and you'll find them warming up quick.
I talked to my dealer over the course of several months about moving to T tanks for higher volume/lower cost and after coming in there every month for refills he cut my k-tank price in half.
Repeat customers without any grief is good business for them, and you.
It doesn't hurt to drop some nice glass ornaments on them around the holidays and such . . .

2013-02-05, 11:05am
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Good choice in your torch. I have to older model with the round base. I am on a tank for both inner and outer so I have a "Y" on both lines. Very easy to set up once you have all the parts/connections needed.
Be sure to put your flashback arrestor for the propane between the tank and the "Y", seams obvious but worth mentioning for safety...
Be safe, like others have said, check for leaks...
Freedom is not free, support the troops! Troops do not make the rules, they enforce the rules no matter how unpopular they are.

2013-02-05, 3:17pm
Alaska Boro
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A "T" connector can also be used but a "Y" keeps the hoses together a bit nicer. Like the brass 1/4 inch "T" over the plastic especially for the fuel line. Home Depot or Lowe's may have the brass but that could be a long shot.
Make sure the extra purchased hose is of the T type for your fuel line. That information should be printed on the hose.

2013-02-05, 6:19pm
Now part of the Dark Side
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You are going to love your Bravo. I got one in the first release, and I got a new base for it for Christmas 2012. I absolutely love my Bravo. I have a foot pedal on mine, best $$ I ever spent. Mostly I just use the inner fire, but if I want a lot of heat fast, step on the pedal.
Hot glass does not crack.
Unless it is glowing and drippy, hot glass looks like cold glass.

2013-02-07, 1:14pm
Marble Lover
Join Date: Apr 16, 2012
Location: Broken Arrow, OK
Posts: 802
Oh yeah! Everything is purchased and ready to get home and hooked up.
If I really get into this, I'll look into a foot pedal and eventually a homefill or something to reduce my O2 cost. For now, I'm just a happy camper with a new torch!
Thanks to everyone for your help and input.
I hear the Dark Side calling...
Brian E. Parker aka BEPNewt
Lifelong glass lover, now getting to work with it. Using a Bravo on an M20 & Natural Gas ( inner ), Tanked O2 & Propane ( outer ).
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