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Old 2012-09-07, 12:10am
bigpurpleb bigpurpleb is offline
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Default Yet another oxy question from a new member...

Aloha Amigos!

Cowboy here, and I've got a question about tanked oxygen. I actually have another query regarding propane as well and it is actually the same question...

How long does it last for you, and what kind of torch are you running?

I'll be using an oxygen K-Tank, and I'll start with a 20lb propane cylinder. My torch is the Nortel Midrange. Any estimates on the hours I might see come from those two tanks? Thanks for the help and sorry for asking an old question!

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Old 2012-09-07, 3:07am
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This is just a guess, depending on how big your flame is and it's chemistry. Oxy about 15-20 hours, more or less. Propane, several hundred hours. I run a Bethlehem Bravo and I get about 8-16 hours on a 120 CuFt oxy tank. Propane I don't worry about, I use way more heating my studio than I use to melt glass.
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Old 2012-09-07, 9:40am
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It all depends.... yeah, I know that's not a real answer.
If you check the mfg specs they will or should tell you how much oxy it uses but they are usually telling you the use at max flame settings. Your working style and what pieces you make will vary from that considerably.

I run a Kabuki with the center fire on oxycons. I have a 'K' tank on the outer 2 rings. I almost never run the outer most ring. I use the center ring about 20% of the time making marbles. I often get a month or more out of a 'K' tank. When I had my open studio here I ran the Kabuki and a Baracuda pretty steady on tanks only for about 4 hours and my house guest and I worked several sessions of about 3 hours each and I used about 80% of one "k" tank. As they say "your mileage will vary".
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Old 2012-09-08, 10:10pm
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I run a Red Max, it eats a K tank in 6 hrs or less.
Working with a Red Rocket,Red Max,Natty hand torch-- and tanked oxy from a Homefill system
Bryan M
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Old 2012-09-09, 3:31am
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my midrange/premix killed a k tank in one good day of torching. granted i made 5 largeish marbles and a bunch of pipes, but still i thought that was fast.

i get about a week out of a T tank. for this reason i'm getting a homefill.
now i've got a Mirage
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Old 2012-09-09, 8:33am
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I had similar questions as I moved from 3 M-15's to a K tank.

Torch: Bravo
Tank: K size

I refill it using an M15 and two Homefill units. So I gauge my oxy consumption in terms of lbs of oxy per hour.

When using just the inner flame ~ 50 lbs/hr. When working on larger pieces (marbles, etc) 100-125 lbs/hr.

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Old 2012-09-10, 5:15am
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yup i'm trying to buy a homefill right now. i've got to sell one of my bicycles first though.
now i've got a Mirage
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cowbow, midrange, oxy, oxygen, propane, question

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