So, the studio construction has begun! Today I met with my electrician friend and we started to try to figure out the electrical specifics for my 8x10ft studio (in the backyard).
I have perused through the threads and done my best to try to find this info - please forgive me if this is repeating other threads - I didn't find the info I was searching for...
First off: HEATING. I live in Canada, 1.5 hours northeast of Toronto - it gets cold here. The studio will be insulated. I am hoping to set up the make-up air so that it is behind the torch (using a handy diagram from, and looking to find some kind of infrared/radiant heater. My question is does the studio need to maintain a certain temperature all the time (slightly above freezing) in order to avoid condensation issues? Do I have to worry about that affecting equipment? Is it Best Practice to not let the inside of the studio freeze? At the end of May, our electrical utilities are switching over to Smart Metres, and needless to say, I am worried about using lots of electricity in the peak times and using baseboard electric heaters always makes me anxious of costs...
Second: LIGHTING. I would love to see some examples of how folks set up sufficient lighting in and around their torch area. Any special things to consider (like how not to melt THAT glass!)?
Tips for success? Things to avoid?
Third: VENT HOOD. Can I use a store bought kitchen vent hood as the "catch" for the fumes and then be sucked out by my strong fan? I realize that there is probably a difference in ducting size between the vent hood and the larger fan). I understand that the fan of a vent hood is not sufficient to remove the air and am not interested in doing that.
I would love to know about other's experiences and what you have learned.
Thanks so much,