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My name is Jerry and I'm with a non-profit tropical fish club for discus fish.
We are having our biennial show June 20-22, 2014 in Austin, Texas. The person who has made our awards in the past is not able to do it this year. So this is a request to see if we can have someone make them using glassblowing. Our show website is
http://nadaaustin2014.com/ By going to our site you will get the idea of what a discus fish looks like. They are flat like a pancake and we will need them to be approximately 3 inches in diameter. We will need 23 of them made and we will be gluing them to a plaque so they will only need to be colored on one side. If your interested you can contact me at
The person who made them in the past made them out of clay in a mold he fabricated, he then painted them by hand. I have pictures of what they looked like. I know they will be different when made with blown glass. Thanks, Jerry