I am happy to announce the Glasss book series will have a 5th edition!!
Registration has started!!
Registration ends December 31, 2016 or when maximum participant has been reached. Don’t wait until the last moment!
Every 2 year the book Glass is being made. Glasss 5 will be published the beginning of 2017 so it will hopefully be ready to be presented at the Gathering in Las Vegas in April 2017 for the first time. To make it possible for everyone to be ready it time, I have opened the registration as from now.
As you know, there is no judging who can be in the book and who not. Everyone who is proud of their lampwork can be in Glasss 5.
The only condition is your photos have to be good enough for printing and your registration, photos and payment have to be in on time. More information can be found on the website: