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2013-03-19, 2:32pm
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Unlimited Oxygen Have Conned me and are ignoring my attempts to contact them.
I ordered $2000 worth of custom oxygen equipment, over eight months ago. I'll happily go into details if this post makes it out in the open.
To cut a long story short I've been told even now only 1/5th of the order has been done.
I was even asked for $85 up front on top of this six months ago to pay for shipping costs. Nothing has ever been shipped.
They are no refusing to talk to me. Jack answered the phone and when he recognised my voice he simply hung up and refuse to answer agian despite repeated attempts to ring.
I was told I had to pay up front for the seive material because that was expensive. I have been told that material has only been ordered for one unit. When I asked what had happened to the money, I was told that was none of my business and irrelevant.
If this isn't resolved soon I'll be filing suit in short order. As far as I'm concerned this is fraud.
I am not happy at all.

2013-03-19, 2:43pm
Dakine glass man
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Cue the UO supporters to chime in and defend....lol sorry just see this same
Post(or variations if it all too often). Here are my predictions for the rest of this thread.... Others will chime in with their crap experience. Then a few will post that they had good dealings. The two factions will argue a bit, then Jack will at some point come in, defensively give an explanation, then you two will work it out. Pretty common UO customer service issue, but always see a fair resolution in the end.
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2013-03-19, 2:49pm
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Originally Posted by Maui Greenstone
Cue the UO supporters to chime in and defend....lol sorry just see this same
Post(or variations if it all too often). Here are my predictions for the rest of this thread.... Others will chime in with their crap experience. Then a few will post that they had good dealings. The two factions will argue a bit, then Jack will at some point come in, defensively give an explanation, then you two will work it out. Pretty common UO customer service issue, but always see a fair resolution in the end.
I really hope so as right now it just seems like I've been taken for ride. The amount of times I've been told "We'll ship something out tomorrow" is beyond belief. And its almost been a year now?? Plus ignoring your customers as soon as you know its someone who you've been messing about? It's not exactly good business.

2013-03-19, 3:31pm
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I am a happy customer. It took quite a while to get my concentrator but Jack & Co were ALWAYS there to talk to me. (I didn't like their answer!) Sure delivery could be a whole lot faster but they are a SMALL company and give great support for their product. They offer an excellent product at a reasonable price. No complaints here. I understand your frustration - It will be interesting to see Jack's response.

2013-03-20, 6:59am
It's a far gone lullaby
Join Date: Jan 15, 2013
Posts: 46
Received my Hurricane today, unscathed.
Gonna go burn on it for a day or two, and will tell you what I think
GTT Phantom

2013-03-20, 2:46pm
Join Date: Sep 29, 2012
Posts: 158
hey Mike bring the popcorn they're at it again!!!!!!!

2013-03-20, 3:04pm
Slogan Challenged...
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The forums can be a good way to bring about some resolution, it would be frustrating if you feel no one is listening to you.
Kristin ~
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2013-03-20, 5:22pm
Join Date: Sep 29, 2012
Posts: 158
apparently "patiencesavirtue" he doesn't have or telling the truth for that matter. I thought the Brit's were more serious than that.....
Why do some people like attacking Jack?

2013-03-20, 5:57pm
It's a far gone lullaby
Join Date: Jan 15, 2013
Posts: 46
After working with my Hurricane all day today, I must say, I really like it.
This new unit seems to have an internal holding tank, and because of that after a warm up period, there's no fluctuation in the o2.
Basically, good product, long wait, but it seems worth it.
GTT Phantom

2013-03-20, 6:01pm
Ass-kicking Cephalopod
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Originally Posted by uncle louie
apparently "patiencesavirtue" he doesn't have or telling the truth for that matter. I thought the Brit's were more serious than that.....
Why do some people like attacking Jack?
Perhaps because he's had their money for over 6 months and keeps giving the "it's shipping tomorrow" BS line when they call?
This is just a different verse of the same song we hear all the time.
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DOG is my co-pilot
Cricket w/two 5 lpm oxycons - and sometimes a Minor.

2013-03-21, 2:44am
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jack has always done me right, but 6 months and "it'll ship tomorrow" is a bit much.
OP, take solace in the fact that Jack says he shipped your machines. you'll get them soon.
now i've got a Mirage To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

2013-03-21, 8:15am
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Originally Posted by oxydoc
Really Simon?? almost a year?? First of all,You paid in 2 parts. 1 with a credit card and with PayPal. 1 in September and 1 in October. Still too long, I will give you that. But lets keep it real, hardly a year. You and I have been comunicating almost on a bi-weekly basis from the begining. I have spent countless hours with you on the phone, helping you figure out the best way to set up your system. I have offered you my best advise on many topics. Hardly a con. I even drew diagrams of how the system would look and sent them to you. You even changed your order at one point, then back again. The only reason the items were'nt shipped to Great Britian weeks ago, was the free compressors that I was sending you. They caused the package to weigh more than the 85.00 shipping charge you had paid, to get it to Great Britian. I advised you in an email that the shipping went up to over $200.00 and you never offered to pay. That was a few weeks ago. You then said break the package down and send the original order without the free stuff. Which I have done. I just dont see how this falls into a con. We have communicated openly and professionally up to this point. By the way, I have never ignored a single call from you, knowing that you are calling from another country.
I did answer the phone last night, after business hours, even though the call was a "private caller" I did not know it was you until you posted this thread. You certainly did'nt bother leaving a message. We did have problems with phone yesterday evening. I have been here all day today and the phones are working fine. So, I missed one call out of hundreds. This is only a response to your post. I have no intentions on debating with you any of the points I just made. I am simply telling the whole story as it is. Jack
1) After our initial conversation, you requested half the money up front for the order so you could buy the sieve material for all five units. Later on, you requested all the money up front because the sieve material is expensive. Since I'm guessing you don't work for free, full payment up front must have covered all your materials and labour costs, with profit included on top. This is why you received payment in two parts. It doesn't exactly help things by misrepresenting this.
2) You're advice in setting up the system has been fantastic and I cannot fault you on that whatsoever. On the other hand, I'm sure you realise that all the advice in the world doesn't do me much good without a functioning piece of equipment in my hands!
3) Would you care to confirm the date at which I gave you a further $85 dollars for shipping, when I was told you'd be shipping out something immediately and hence required payment?
4) At no point have I changed my order. In one of our more recent conversations, you were reluctant to tell me the progress of my order. I simply asked if it was an option to have something else that you already had built instead of me waiting another six months for my original order to be built. Again, it doesn't help things to misrepresent me here either.
5) I'm surprised that after receiving nothing at all, and giving you over $2000, that you expect me to send you more money? You already informed me that you had only built one unit? Are you saying now that you have shipped all five units out? If this is the case, please send me the tracking numbers for the shipments.
6) If I actually receive my order, then I will take back what I said about this being a con. My gut feeling over the phone before we initially started doing business was that you are a stand up guy, and I'm very rarely wrong. By telling me you have shipped things out when nothing has ever materialised more times than I can count, you've called my judgement into question and left me no other recourse than to make this public.

2013-03-21, 9:03am
Salt Box Beads
Join Date: Oct 23, 2005
Location: Heading to Paradise
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Originally Posted by uncle louie
apparently "patiencesavirtue" he doesn't have or telling the truth for that matter. I thought the Brit's were more serious than that.....
Why do some people like attacking Jack?
Why on earth would you insult ALL brits when just one is speaking here. That is very rude.
I apologize to any Brits reading this.
My stepfather was a brit and a wonderful man. So yes Louie I took offense at what you posted. Very unkind of you.

2013-03-21, 9:49am
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Join Date: Feb 02, 2013
Posts: 11
Well here's my 2c.
From my experience, Jack is a stand up guy.
We just ordered our second unit.
I have to say only this:
I recently went to jack wanting this, that, and the other machine, all of which could have made him a bundle more money from us...but he chose to suggest a route which would make him less and COST US LESS while still meeting our needs.
This says to me that Jack is unselfish in his business practices.
Whatever bumps along the way...I'm glad as heck Unlimited Oxygen is around and offering amazing units at amazing prices.
Having told you my story I must also acknowledge your wait time seems long...However, there seems to be some "extended communication" and decision making along the way.
I wonder if somebody ordered a vessel from me and wanted advice about how to use it and also maybe changed how they wanted it formed...then changed how they wanted it shipped....or maybe how many they wanted.....how would I react to this hypothetical transaction.
(As a side note - We recovered the cost of the first unit in about 7 weeks...compare that to his competition at ~36 weeks!)

2013-03-21, 11:00am
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Interesting how similar these threads all become. Must be a lesson here somewhere?

2013-03-21, 4:14pm
Join Date: Sep 29, 2012
Posts: 158
Originally Posted by Lorraine Chandler
Why on earth would you insult ALL brits when just one is speaking here. That is very rude.
I apologize to any Brits reading this.
My stepfather was a brit and a wonderful man. So yes Louie I took offense at what you posted. Very unkind of you.
My comment wasn't meant to offend all Brits in general as I happen to have some very good brit friends who laughed at my comment.But I agree it was a poor choice of words and for that I am sorry!!!!

2013-03-21, 5:25pm
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Join Date: Jun 11, 2005
Posts: 1,888
Originally Posted by Maui Greenstone
Cue the UO supporters to chime in and defend....lol sorry just see this same
Post(or variations if it all too often). Here are my predictions for the rest of this thread.... Others will chime in with their crap experience. Then a few will post that they had good dealings. The two factions will argue a bit, then Jack will at some point come in, defensively give an explanation, then you two will work it out. Pretty common UO customer service issue, but always see a fair resolution in the end.
Nice play by play. If I ever get to Hawaii again, I'll have you read my palm.

2013-03-21, 9:27pm
Flame On!
Join Date: Aug 01, 2010
Location: Virginia Beach, Va
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Originally Posted by Patienceisavirtue
I really hope so as right now it just seems like I've been taken for ride. The amount of times I've been told "We'll ship something out tomorrow" is beyond belief. And its almost been a year now?? Plus ignoring your customers as soon as you know its someone who you've been messing about? It's not exactly good business.
PLEASE, use this link and file a complaint!
It is extremely simple, you make a 5 minute phone call, and let the FTC do their job.
And even if the time limit has passed to recover your funds, contact your payment providers(Paypal, Credit Card) and file a complaint anyway, so it's documented. If everyone who has been in this situation with this company would take a few minutes and follow thru, complain WHERE IT WILL COUNT, he will be forced to change the way he conducts business.
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2013-03-21, 9:29pm
Flame On!
Join Date: Aug 01, 2010
Location: Virginia Beach, Va
Posts: 115
Originally Posted by LarryC
Interesting how similar these threads all become. Must be a lesson here somewhere?
 pass the popcorn
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2013-03-22, 12:11am
I'm a lilac!
Join Date: Jun 09, 2005
Location: Portland, Oregon
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Originally Posted by squid
Perhaps because he's had their money for over 6 months and keeps giving the "it's shipping tomorrow" BS line when they call?
This is just a different verse of the same song we hear all the time.
Yep. Heard it enough times that I am no longer surprised. Unfortunately.
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2013-03-22, 5:03am
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Sad to say I am in the same boat....my unit should have been here by March 15th...I called Jack and he said he was waiting on one part, and my unit should go out that week. I think that was a couple of weeks ago, but for sure it was before the 15th. Still nothing. AND....I have a paypal bill for 50 something dollars...have no idea what that's for. I purchased my unit for the stated price and free shipping in December. I soooooooo wanted to be able to post that my unit had arrived and I was a happy customer. I can't do that yet. I'm waiting on Jack to open up to see what the heck is going on. Stay tuned.....pop some more popcorn. Throw tomatoes or eggs at me. The truth is the truth. What is strange is that when I initially called around the 1st of Dec. I was told I would have my unit before Christmas. Not by Jack, but by a female who answered the phone. Since I didn't order it until 2 weeks later, I didn't expect it by Christmas, but I did expect to receive it when they stated it would be here. I am really trying to be patient, but reading these types of complaints.......8 months....I am not getting a warm fuzzy.

2013-03-22, 10:17am
Salt Box Beads
Join Date: Oct 23, 2005
Location: Heading to Paradise
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Originally Posted by uncle louie
My comment wasn't meant to offend all Brits in general as I happen to have some very good brit friends who laughed at my comment.But I agree it was a poor choice of words and for that I am sorry!!!!
Thank you, I appreciate that very much.

2013-03-22, 10:41am
Slogan Challenged...
Join Date: Mar 21, 2009
Location: Maricopa, Arizona
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Ah, I'm waiting on mine too, although I still have time left. I wasn't charged shipping, and was told that wouldn't be charged until the unit was sent. Looking so forward to it, hate to read threads like this! Hopefully, I will get mine in a few weeks....
Kristin ~
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2013-03-22, 12:50pm
I'm a lilac!
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I've gotta say, based not primarily on the complaints but on Jack's reply in this thread, it will certainly be a chilly day in Hell before I order another concentrator from UO.
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2013-03-22, 2:24pm
I'm a lilac!
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Location: Portland, Oregon
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Originally Posted by oxydoc
So, which one of my units did you have to wait on?
And here's yet another reason I would never order from you.
You're rude, condescending, and dismissive.
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2013-03-22, 2:47pm
Join Date: Jan 21, 2013
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I have a concentrator on order from Jack. I didn't order it because of his personality (although I did find him pleasant and responsive to emails)--but because I feel I'm getting a great value for the price. Jack let me know up front that I should go elsewhere if I was in a hurry.
Contrast this with a bead liner I ordered from a company praised on this list. I ordered it over a week ago and shipping is still pending. Nothing on their site says that the item was not in stock.
I don't mind waiting for my oxygen concentrator because I planned for the delay. I do mind waiting for an item I pay a shipping premium on only to find it isn't in stock.

2013-03-22, 3:20pm
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Originally Posted by oxydoc
So, which one of my units did you have to wait on?
I dont think it's rude at all. There are those who just simply chime in to beat a dead horse. If you have'nt had an experience with UO, good or bad where is the creedence in what you say? You are simply reading someone else's and forming an opinion. The complaints on the Customer service Kiosk should be factual, based on personal experience. jack
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2013-03-22, 3:58pm
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UO2 Quality and Support
Another point I would like to make, not in defense, just for thought. None of the complaints posted or recieved, ever have anything to do with the quality or support of our equipment. The units, once recieved, perform, look and act as we advertize. The support we give is complete and as advertized. The only complaint here and recieved, is the timing. Although it is known from California to New York that we sell clean, good and fair priced equipment, but you will have to wait, as advertized. So the thing I am doing wrong, but have no choice, is to try to give an estimated time of completion. I cannot tell a customer, when he or she calls that I don't know when the unit will be done. I try to estimate, and most times I come close. Sometimes I don't. As far as holding people's money for months at a time? We only hold payments until we have compiled enough money to order the equipment we need. I can't buy anything one at a time. Most of my vendors have a minumum on orders. Which is one way I save. Enough times of doing this creates a back log on the orders. Then, there are those who simply won't wait. I have no choice but to pull the order from someone else who is dont mind waiting. Enough times of doing this also causes orders to get "old"
Again, I am not making excuses, Just showing fact. I am not defending myself. Some may not understand./ Jack
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2013-03-22, 4:16pm
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Originally Posted by oxydoc
As far as holding people's money for months at a time? We only hold payments until we have compiled enough money to order the equipment we need. I can't buy anything one at a time. Most of my vendors have a minumum on orders. Which is one way I save. Jack
As you have stated many times, I dont think anyone has said your support or product quality is not good. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is definitely at the root of most of these threads, Jack, and would be an unacceptable practice to a lot folks.

2013-03-22, 4:40pm
Join Date: Sep 14, 2006
Posts: 2,020
Originally Posted by squid
Perhaps because he's had their money for over 6 months and keeps giving the "it's shipping tomorrow" BS line when they call?
This is just a different verse of the same song we hear all the time.
Originally Posted by LarryC
As you have stated many times, I dont think anyone has said your support or product quality is not good. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is definitely at the root of most of these threads, Jack, and would be an unacceptable practice to a lot folks.
The issue is the money Jack and it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to see that. Why should anyone give you the use of their money for six months without product or interest. There is a word for it, it's called usury and it's unethical. If you don't want people to complain about the practice then don't practice it.
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.
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